On Mar 2, 2015, at 02:44 , Ben <ben_cocoa_dev_l...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Since NSCell is apparently on the way out, I've been trying to build a new 
> control I need using views. It's a cut-down spreadsheet-alike grid

I don’t see that anyone has yet asked the question of why the grid needs to 
have subviews. Implementing the rows and columns yourself means inventing your 
own duplicate API for managing them, but it’s likely not a lot of code, 
assuming you only need textual editing of one cell at a time (and can therefore 
use a single re-usable, movable text field for the editing).

So, why can’t your spreadsheet-like grid be a single custom view that draws its 
own text and graphics in a grid-like pattern directly?

> PS. I have tried using/subclassing NSTableView and have filed a bug for the 
> functionality that I'm after

Purely for interest’s sake, can you tell us what functionality is missing, for 
your use-case?


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