On Apr 15, 2015, at 13:30 , Aandi Inston <aa...@quite.com> wrote:
> 2. As a quick fix, is there a way to make sure this highlight box
> disappears with the
> control that it is (to my mind) attached to?

It’s probably being drawn around the field editor, and perhaps that’s not being 
dismissed properly when you hide the text view. You could try setting first 
responder to something else: ‘[window recalculateKeyViewLoop]’, or perhaps 
‘[window makeFirstResponder: nil]’ if you just want to get rid of it.

The blue highlight (it’s called a “focus ring” in Cocoa jargon) behavior does 
sound like a Yosemite bug. If no one else jumps in with a reason why it should 
linger like this, I’d suggest you also submit a bug report about it.


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