> But I like the link-views! ;)  It's one of those design elegancies
> that makes Cocoon unique.  Adding a don't-crawl-these-links option to
> the new CLI may solve the same problem, but IMHO it's a hack in
> comparison.

What specifically is it that you like about link views? Cos at the moment, the 
alternative way of gathering links is with an invisible (automatically inserted) 
LinkGatherer transformer stage right before the serializer. If that was replaced with 
LinkGatheringTransformer that you could use to gather links (and place them in a List 
in the object model), but that returns the SAX events unchanged to the next stage, 
you'd have your link view with a single pass. Even building in an XSLT stage that is 
used before extracting the links. Just a thought.

> The argument against link-views is that it's slow: two requests
> instead of one.  Isn't the correct solution to fix caching so that 99%
> of the processing between foo.html and foo.html?cocoon-view=links is
> shared?  If caching worked properly, why would requesting the link
> view take much more time?

Alternatively we could try Vadim's comment on using a CachingPoint pipeline.


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