Matthew Langham wrote:

>Hi Sylvain,
>Thanks a lot for this donation, which will be a great step forward for
>promoting Cocoon. Is this what can be seen at ?
>Yep. This is an example portal we built to showcase some of what we are
>doing for customers. I can provide you (or anyone interested) with a login
>if you contact me off-list (just so our little test machine doesn't blow up
>when you all try to logon :-)). Please note that _this_ portal is in
>German - which is done through use of stylesheets. So the actual components
>are of course language independent. Basically, once you have been
>authenticated (Carsten posted something about that earlier today) your
>portal profile is built up, the content fetched and then the XML data
>formatted into the portal look and feel. As a user you can then change
>certain properties - as defined by the portal administrator (who basically
>defines this by way of an XML portal definition).
I played with it using the guest account. I had to recall the german I 
learned at school and didn't practice for more that 10 years, but I 
globally understood what was said :)

It looks nice and I like a lot the customization page. Do you have any 
comparison with JetSpeed ?

>We realize that people are probably itching to get their hands on the
>components and play with them - and Carsten is doing his best to get them
>ready as quickly as possible - but we also have paid work we need to do as
>well :-)) In the meantime we will be happy to provide as much background
>information as possible - so keep the questions coming :-).
Dont tell peope to ask questions, because they will ;) Seriously, keep 
up working : we can delay questions until we get our hands on it !


Sylvain Wallez
Anyware Technologies -

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