on 6/17/03 3:54 PM Steven Noels wrote:

> On 17/06/2003 22:41 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>>>I dropped the 'd' typo (I assume) from the offending line, and that one 
>>>is gone. The 'save', 'revert' and 'delete' action aren't working 
>>>however, they bring me back to a new blog entry screen without doing 
>>>what they should.
>>you didn't enable file uploading on web.xml
> I'm going offline for brain surgery. ;-)

No, no need for that. It took me half an hour to figure that problem out
myself and it's an indication of how generally badly designed is
cocoon's handling of multipart-encoded POST requests.

Well, if you ask me, the real problem is that the servlet API never
addressed the problem of multipart-encoded POST requests, but this is
another story. Yet, this gives us interesting possibilities to research

After 2.1 is out, I'm planning to rewrite the entire support for file
uploading and move it from a layer between the Servlet API and cocoon
(as it is today) to inside the sitemap realm.

This will allow us to specify upload-specific parameters with much
better granularity (say, turning it on only on some specific pipelines
and with some specific security strategy).

Unfortunately this might require some sitemap semantics additions but
since I have other two things to ask for addition to the sitemap
semantics, I hope they will be considered for their value.

But for now, this is how things go and if you turn uploading off all
POST requests which are multipart-encoded end up with "null" value in
the requests parameters and this was the reason why the different
"actions" in the flow where not properly selected.


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