on 6/18/03 3:16 AM Ugo Cei wrote:

> Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
>>>Anyway, I'm wondering why the multipart request. Is it because of 
>>>images? If it weren't for images, wouldn't it be better to POST a 
>>>text/xml body with all the necessary information, putting the "verb" 
>>>(save, delete, etc.) in the URI, in the style of REST?
>>Probably so. And if we need multipart to achieve such a *huge* usability 
>>boost, I'm all for using it! :-)
> Me too, even though I'd love to have the Linotype backend as a 
> REST-style Web Service. In my vision, the editor should just POST an XML 
> document, using some well-known schema (say RSS, augmented with Dublin 
> Core for metadata) instead of an ad-hoc namespace like 
> "http://www.betaversion.org/linotype/news/1.0";. 

Hey, wait a second. The ad-hoc namespace is added as a wrapper by the
request processing pipeline, it is *NOT* sent by the client code.

> Can we have this 
> together with transparent upload of images? Well, I don't know, but I 
> think I'm going to look into the code in a few minutes.

The browsers don't give you access to <input type="file"> content from
javascript, it is considered a security issue by most browsers, so there
is no way you can bypass the form-encoding capabilities of the browser
and, say, encode images as CDATA in a big XML payload, forget it.

So, if you upload files from a browser, you have to use multipart-form
encoding. period.

What you can do is to encode your data as an XML file and send that, but
I really don't see the value of doing this instead of just POSTing a
bunch of parameters (which is as REST-ish as anything I can think of)

>>BTW, Stefano: Linotype *really* kicks ass. Problem is that from you we 
>>aren't expecting anything less, so this is why you are not getting all 
>>the kudos you deserve. :-) But it's really, really, really a good job!
> Ditto.



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