I wrote a HelloWorld-like action based on the docs located in my cocoon
install: /cocoon/documents/actions. I've put the file in
/cocoon/WEB-INF/classes (using the package name 'test', so

I've put the following lines in my sitemap:
  <map:action name="hello-world" class="test.HelloWorldAction"/>

<map:match pattern="hello">
  <map:act type="hello-world">
    <map:generate type="serverpages" src="hello/hello_world.xsp"/>

and wrote hello/hello_world.xsp which tries to use the parameter passed by

However, if i try to reach host:8080/cocoon/hello, I get the following
Cocoon dump:
type internal-server-error

message UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find the component for
hint: hello-world

description org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException:
UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint:

..which means exactly afaik that Cocoon is unable to find the right Avalon
component for the specified action, eg. cant find HelloWorldAction.class

I've tried to check the internal Cocoon logs, but that did not helped me. So
the question is - anyone can please tell me what's wrong with the above
Thanks much in advance,

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