On Thursday 15 November 2001 11:50 am, you wrote:
> Okay, one piece of theoratical question. If I want to use xml data output
> from a bunch of EJBs (JBoss+Cocoon stuff), shall I better write a
> Transformer or a Generator for getting the data?
> I'd vote for Transformers, which looks for xml tags in a source xml like
> <customer-data/>, and replaces it with the business data coming from EJBs,
> which gets rendered by an other (eg. the default XSLT) Transformer right
> after.
> Is that the correct way handling the situation?

That works, but exception handling that way can be a pain because you can 
only throw a SAXException once the transformer gets going.

I recently refactored my project to use a lot of transformers, I think its 
more manageable that way. I have a transformer that inserts data similar to 
your need, and it works by loading the data in the setup() method, and then 
spitting it out once the appropriate tag is seen.

I like that approach because if there is an error loading the data I can 
throw a ProcessingException and there is the chance for a nice error page to 
be shown to the user. Once the SAX stream starts going, an exception could 
result in a 1/2 rendered page for the client, not good IMHO.

So my suggestion to you would be to see if you can load your customer data in 
the setup() of a transformer, and then only serialize it once the tag you are 
looking for is encountered.

I hope that makes sense :)

peter royal -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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