Thanks Guido,
I have now implemented the getLasModified() in the servlet.. arh ups  :)
which works like a charm if i do this:

   <map:match pattern="readXML">
     <map:read src="http://servletserver/genXML";  mime-type="text/xml"/>

   <map:match pattern="test2">
     <map:generate src="http://cocoonserver/readXML"/>
     <map:transform src="stylesheets/transform.xsl"/>

but if i try to do this:
   <map:match pattern="test">
     <map:generate src="http://servletserver/genXML"/>
     <map:transform src="stylesheets/transform.xsl"/>

It seems the transformation get a blank document, so i get a "the root
element is required".

I can use the 1st so it is not really a problem, im just currious!
should the 2nd  not be possible.

Thanks alot. my pequest time time has been reduced from 10-15 to neglectable.



> Did you implement getLastModified() ?
> Guido
> jr schrieb:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a system where i have a servlet generating xml from some ejb's
> > I use cocoon to apply xsl to the xml and produce the various outputs.
> > I have tried two methods, and both works fine, but i need to cache the
> > result ans the servlet is QUITE slow and rarely changes its output.
> [cut]

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