At 10:41 AM 12/4/01 +0100, you wrote:
>If my question is somehow incomplite or unclear, tell me what is
>wrong with it.
>It is very important to me to know why it is not working.
>help, help,
>         hubert.

Hi Hubert.

Your previous question was a little unclear, but I'll try my best to help.

Generally the way I handle logicsheets and XSP is as follows:

1) take an XML file (what you refer to in your message as "my server page" I would say 
is not a server page; it's just a regular xml file)

2) at compile time (i.e., using Ant and Xalan, not Cocoon) I perform an XSLT against 
that XML file using the logicsheet.  The result is the XSP server page. (what you 
refer to in your message as "output is" I would say is your server page; this now 
needs to get executed)

3) at run time (i.e., using Cocoon, in your sitemap), execute the server page (using  
<map:generator name="serverpages" 
src="org.apache.cocoon.generation.ServerPagesGenerator").  This will perform the 
database calls and make all the esql tag substitutions.

It is also possible to do step 2 at run time (i.e., using Cocoon), although it's a bit 
more complicated.

HTH.  Email back if you need more info.


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