Hello Chris,

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 12:24:51AM +0100, Christian Haul wrote:
> Wait a minute. stylesheet != taglib
> taglib: used when creating .java from XSP. taglibs are aka logicsheets.
> stylesheet: used when styling XML
> usually, both are implemented in XSLT
> you apply your taglib to XML -> wrong
> right: add your taglib to cocoon.xconf

That's what i'm trying to do, in my cocoon.xconf i have builtin-logicsheet
and there i define my logicsheet.
But what have mentioned my logicsheet is applied, but after it is applied
no esql logicsheet is applied, but esql namespace isn't lost (i have found
it by using log transformation).
This is even worse, one time it works as expectedm, other time it
returns unprocessed esql.

> search this ML for examples. this has been asked many times. see
> "concepts" section in docs. it is all explained in great detail.

I have read about it so many times that if awaken in a middle of the
night i would tel you about this concept with no doubt ;-)

I have send in this thread mail with attachement where is my logicsheet and
xsp wich use it. If any other file would be helpfull, let me know i'll
post it.

thanks in advance,

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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