I found serveral articles related my problem, and I made a test with a guide described 
a good article below.
Cocoon, Fop, and embedded Truetype fonts 
Jacob Cantwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

cocoon2 embedded font Configuration task 
1. metrics file create
2. userconfig.xml create
3. userconfig.xml added sitemap.xml 
4. run & test
but It didn't work...... 

After the test, I could not see Korean fonts in a pdf as before.

A shell script using FOP in the C2 is generated a Korean charactors.
In C2, it is referenced userconfig defined in the sitemap.
However, in rendering a pdf, it may be refereced only default fonts, not additional 
So, Korean charactors in the generated pdf is generated as unrecognized charactors 
like "####"

Though I read carefully detailed guides serveral times and made a test, every time I 
failed a test with unrecognized charactors.
I'm convinced that there is no problem related the environment configuration of C2.

>Search the docs for fop and fonts.  It _is_ possible.

>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Tuesday, 04 December 2001 12:26 pm
>> To: cocoon-users
>> Subject: Help Me fop in Cocoon2 !!! embedded font Problem
>> I made a successful test that FOP was generated a pdf file 
>> consisted of Korean.
>> But, I could not make a pdf consisted of Korean with C2.
>> Though FOP generate a pdf file using embed fonts, C2 seems to 
>> generate a pdf without embed fonts.
>> I'd like to know if what I said is right.
>> And If C2 can use embed fonts like Korean, Let me know how C2 
>> uses embed fonts.
>> If possible, Let me take a example.
>> Regards.
>> ps.I attached  a log what I made a test below.
>> 1.Shell script with FOP
>> -generating metrics file using Korean ttf.
>> -writing a user config file
>> -making successfully a Korean pdf file with fop-0_20_1-dev.jar of C2.
>> 2.Web browser with C2.
>> -error that was made an unrecognized pdf file included 
>> Korean, when the server with the environment described above 
>> was accessed.

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