On 30.Apr.2002 -- 04:17 PM, Fabricio Chalub wrote:
> > you can add any number of transformations. just add another 
> > transformer line
> > to your pipeline with the second stylesheet.
> Thanks!  I have tried this and it appears to me that only the last XSLT
> transform is applied.  I guess I am not using the sitemap corretly, then?
> This is what am I using:
> <map:match pattern="">
> <map:redirect-to session="false" uri="index"/>
> </map:match>
> <map:match pattern="*">
> <map:generate src="documents/{1}.xml"/>
>    <map:transform src="stylesheets/site.xsl" />
>    <map:transform src="stylesheets/teacher.xsl" />
> [...]
> Is this the correct way of doing it?

Yep, it is. Try putting the log transformer inbetween. Or remove the
second transformation and save the output to a file. Use that to feed
another pipeline to see if your stylesheets work as expected. Another
way would be to use xalan on the command line with your files.

The logs should contain a reference to your stylesheets and the xslt 
transformer. If it doesn't -- send all information that could be
usefull to us (albeit minimal).


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