On Thursday 06 June 2002 01:01 pm, Geoff Howard wrote:
> I can certainly play with this solution - Do I need to define the role
> anywhere else?  I had thought there was a ?.roles file somewhere.

The role attribute on the component-instance tag will suffice. The other 
choice is to create your own roles file (follow syntax of cocoon.roles) and 
add an attribute to the root element of cocoon.xconf named "user-roles" 
containing the path to your custom roles file.

> This sounds a lot like Input Modules though - have I totally misunderstood
> them?

Maybe not, but I'm not up-to-speed on the Input Modules stuff. If the 
existing Input Modules are akin to what was discussed on -dev last week, then 
yes you might be able to do that.

> Congrats on the approval for comitting by the way.


peter royal -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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