----- Original Message -----
From: "Argyn Kuketayev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 4:27 PM
Subject: RE: SQLTransformer, multiple execute-query siblings?

> it doesn't support two nested queries on the same level of nesting, as
> as I remember after looking at C2.0.1 sources. I don't think it's fixed.
> Workaround is:
> 1. modify source codes

The problem is, that it's not that easy. Transformer gets fed
SAX events and according to this spits out SAX events.

If you want to reference the produced output you would have to
remember the output somehow which would make this beast far
more complex than it already is.

If you really wanna do this, go ahead, but expect some work
ahead (SQLTransformer is kind of an orphaned anyway).
Otherwise go for XSP/ESQL.

> 2. use XSP
> I use XSP with ESQL
> > Can someone confirm this, and is there a workaround other
> > than chaining
> > multiple SQLTransformers with XSLT to generate sub-queries?




jens.lorenz at interface-projects dot de

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