Your example shows that it's possible to have one nested query inside
another one. But it doesn't show that you may have sibling nested queries.

as far as I remember, you can have only one child (nested query), but that
child can have one child too and so on. you can't have this:
      <page xmlns:sql="";>
        <execute-query xmlns="";>
         <query name="department" >
              select id,name from department_table
          <query name="employee">
           select id,name from employee_table where department_id =
             <ancestor-value  sql:name="id" sql:level="1"/>
          <query name="employee1">
           select id,name from employee_table where department_id =
             <ancestor-value  sql:name="id" sql:level="1"/>

> I've to correct me on this one. My short looks into the source
> were obviously not enough ...
> This example is taken from


      <page xmlns:sql="";>
        <execute-query xmlns="";>
         <query name="department" >
              select id,name from department_table
          <query name="employee">
           select id,name from employee_table where department_id =
             <ancestor-value  sql:name="id" sql:level="1"/>


So according to the user docs this *is* possible. (Haven't testet it


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