On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, ROSSEL Olivier wrote:

> Here is a crazy idea I have had.
> Linux has a WebDav FileSystem.
> So accessing/updating files via WebDAV is completely transparent to Cocoon.
> WebDAV servers can have versionning, revision systems.
> So, without changing the way you work inside Cocoon, you can have WebDAV
> capabilities. If the WebDAV server allows to access the extra features
> (older versions,
> number of the current version,metadata) in a filesystem way, you can have
> full
> WebDAV management without doing nothing inside Cocoon.
> Is it dumb?
> Note: my initial problem is to have CVS capabilities on my XML data files,
> that are
> updated via Cocoon (it's for Wikiland).

Do have run davfs anytime? It's the hell. I never got this to work.


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