
I'm trying my way around SunShine and running into 2

1) I have an existing XML file with UTF-8 encoding.  I
use InsertTransformer to add a new record.  It does so
correctly, but changes the file encoding to ISO-8859-1
and replaces all non-English text with "С"s and

2) I have namespace declarations at the root elemet of
the file.  After running it through the transformer,
the namespace declarations disappear.

Here is my sitemap:
<map:match pattern="admin/add-news">
 <map:act type="set-character-encoding">
   <map:parameter name="form-encoding" value="UTF-8"/>
  <map:act type="sunShine-session"/>
  <map:transform type="sunShine"/>
  <map:transform type="sunShineInsert"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>        

And add-news-item.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <item id="test">

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


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