Hi Anna,

Sorry if it does not help you.

> Since xsp generates xml, there is no
> problem of passing HTML further in the pipeline. In xsp I just read the
> content of the HTML file.

Are you sure ? Someone confirms it ?

> If I just put the string that is
> returned by u.getFileContents() function into <xsp:expr> tag (without
> <util:include-expr>) , it works, but outputs entities instead of <,>.

your String is considered as text (not XML) by the event pipeline

> Also, if I'm declaring a simple variable inside <xsp:logic>, for example
> String foo = "&lt;br/&gt;";
> then outside the <xsp:logic> I can write something like
> <p> This is some file
>    <util:include-expr><util:expr><xsp:expr>
>     foo
>    </xsp:expr></util:expr> </util:include-expr>
>    content
> </p>
> and I get the resulting page correctly.

foo is a well formed XML String and it works.

> But if I write in the same manner:
>   <xsp:logic>
>    String get = u.getFileContents(URL of the file);
> <p>
>    <util:include-expr><util:expr><xsp:expr>
>     get
>    </xsp:expr></util:expr> </util:include-expr>
> </p>
>   </xsp:logic>
> I get an error:org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in
> ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not
> include page Open quote is expected for attribute "size|".

i think that it is because your HTML ressource is not a well formed XML
String. Can you try to open it in a XML editor to see if it is OK. If not,
you have to use something like the XHTML format for your files. Perhaps
there is a <util:tag> allowing to have some valid XML from HTML but i don't
know it.


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