I have a global input module defined in map:component-configurations (2.1):


Currently, I'm using values defined this way later in the sitemap with
{global:XXX} and in xsp's with the input logicsheet (works great).

I would like to use it to define the datasource defined in various places in
the map:components section -- for instance, I have actions which are
declared currently:

    <map:action src="com.xyz.Class" name="hint-name">

I am unable to find in the docs, wiki or archives or samples answers to the
following two questions:

1) Is it currently possible to use input modules to define the value for
data-source in the action definition example above, where a string value is
returned? (the example in the concepts doc doesn't seem to apply here) What
would the syntax be? Something like <data-source><input-module name="global"
???="data-source" /></data-source> or something else entirely?

2) Since the use would occur higher in the sitemap than the definition,
would this value even be defined yet?

Geoff Howard

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