(I have attached my cocoon and tomcat logs as Zip files)





            MS Windows      XP

            Apache              2.0.43

            Tomcat             4.0.6

            Cocoon              2.0.4

            JDK                   1.3.1_06

            MySQL              3.23.55

            JDBC                 2.0.14



I am trying to connect to a MySQL database and have followed the instructions provided by Flash Guides and Wiki, but cocoon does not start-up after I edit the cocoon.xconf. If I comment out the inserted code, and restart tomcat then cocoon will load.


I have download the JDBC file: mysql-connector-java-2.0.14.jar and have put it in the following directories:







The relevant part of web.xml looks like this:






          <!-- For MySQL Driver: -->


        <!-- For Database Driver: -->



        <!-- For parent ComponentManager sample:










The relevant part of cocoon.xconf looks like so:



  <!-- Datasources: -->


    <jdbc logger="core.datasources.personnel" name="personnel">


          If you have an Oracle database, and are using the the

      pool-controller below, you should add the attribute

      "oradb" and set it to true.


      <pool-controller min="5" max="10" oradb="true"/>


      That way the test to see if the server has disconnected

      the JdbcConnection will function properly.


      <pool-controller max="10" min="5"/>


          If you need to ensure an autocommit is set to true or

      false, then create the "auto-commit" element below.




      The default is true.






      <jdbc name="personnel">

            <pool-controller min="5" max="10"/>













The following line I was unsure about:




I got the localhost address from MySQL Admin – I’m not sure if this is right? I uncommented these items from the my.ini file.


I am also not sure about <jdbc name = “”>.  I have tried researching this but I’m still unsure.




On the Flash Guide it suggested that I should delete the following directory, which I have done:




But it recreates itself.


What can you suggest? Is there anything on the MySQL side I should be checking?










Attachment: cocoon_logs.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

Attachment: tomcat_logs.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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