OK, so it sounds like a sound idea. What container are you running in? If I decided to run in JBoss/Tomcat behind Apache with mod_jk* do you think the host matchers would still work? I do all my virtual hosting in apache httpd.conf now.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

Geoff Howard wrote:

Not sure what part you were concerned about, but I have been using empty uri-prefix for my setup with no problems. I am doing some virtual host-type things with cocoon, so I have host matchers/selectors
in my main sitemap with patterns like *.mydomain.com that mount their particular application with an empty uri-prefix.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Hoegg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 11:43 PM
Subject: Interesting use of map:mount

Hey all,

I wanted to run my novel usage of map:mount by you all in case I am breaking some seemingly unwritten rule.

I have my main sitemap all set up declaring components and such, and then in my pipelines I have this:

<map:match pattern="**">
<map:mount check-reload="yes" src="isis-sitemap.xmap" uri-prefix=""/>

Note the uri-prefix. The idea is that I have a sitemap for my application that defines the actual application sitemap. I tried it and it works. Is there some reason I shouldn't be doing this? All the map:mount docs I can find talk about using this for delegating URI space to other sitemaps.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

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