We're either looking at different files or you are misunderstanding
you're seeing.  Which property are you looking at specifically?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:52 PM
> Subject: RE: I may be wrong but...
> In the latest code (tip) that I brought down from cvs today, the exclude
> properties are _not_ commented out in the build.properties file. It was
> necessary for me to edit this file and comment them out.
> Is it the case that I shouldn't be bringing down the tip?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:58 PM
> Subject: RE: I may be wrong but...
> You are right that properties in ant once set are not modified.  If you
> look carefully the values that depend on any value are commented out in
> build.properties - uncommenting them in your local copy will accomplish
> exactly what is meant.
> Also notice the order in which the properties are read:
>     <!-- Allow users a chance to override without editing the
> main file -->
>     <property file="${user.home}/cocoon.build.properties"/>
>     <property file="local.build.properties"/>
>     <!-- Get the build properties from an external file -->
>     <property file="build.properties"/>
>     <!-- Allow users a chance to override without editing the
> main file -->
>     <property file="${user.home}/cocoon.blocks.properties"/>
>     <property file="local.blocks.properties"/>
>     <!-- Get the block properties from an external file -->
>     <property file="blocks.properties"/>
> So, the cocoon.build.properties in your homedirectory is loaded first,
> then the local.build.properties, then build.properties.  The first one
> to set the value wins, and Cocoon gives you two shots at them before
> the default apply.
> HTH,
> Geoff
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 1:45 PM
> > Subject: I may be wrong but...
> >
> >
> > I'm not certain I'm right, but I have the sneaking suspicion that
> > the build
> > the way it's written right now cannot possibly work. As far as I know,
> > there's no way to unset a property in ant. The "unless" attribute of a
> > target will not build the target if the property is "set". As
> far as I can
> > see, this means if it has any value at all. The only way to
> > overcome this is
> > to modify build.properties to remove the setting of those
> property values.
> > It cannot be overridden by copying build.properties to
> > local.build.properties and modifying that as suggested because it's not
> > possible to define them to a non-value.
> > I have commented those properties out of build.properties (and
> > local.build.properties) and this has solved my problem.
> > That's my two cents worth.
> > Rich
> >
> >
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