I downloaded xml-cocoon2 from cvs to my local file system today. The tip
revision of build.properties that came to my system, (rev 1.15) reads as

#  Cocoon Build Properties

# NOTE: don't modify this file directly but copy the properties you need
# to modify over to a file named 'local.build.properties' and modify that.
# The build system will overwrite these properties with the ones in the
# 'local.build.properties' file.

# ----
Webapp ------------------------------------------------------------------



Notice that the exclude.webapp.documentation and exclude.webapp.samples
etal. are _not_ commented out. In order to build these targets
build.properties has to be modified.

But that's okay because really the result of the build doesn't work in many
more ways than that. I got rid of that code and went with the stable (?)
2.1m2 release that's made available as a zip from somewhere and built it and
it works fine. I'll just go with that.

Thanks for your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 3:39 PM
Subject: RE: I may be wrong but...

We're either looking at different files or you are misunderstanding
you're seeing.  Which property are you looking at specifically?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:52 PM
> Subject: RE: I may be wrong but...
> In the latest code (tip) that I brought down from cvs today, the exclude
> properties are _not_ commented out in the build.properties file. It was
> necessary for me to edit this file and comment them out.
> Is it the case that I shouldn't be bringing down the tip?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:58 PM
> Subject: RE: I may be wrong but...
> You are right that properties in ant once set are not modified.  If you
> look carefully the values that depend on any value are commented out in
> build.properties - uncommenting them in your local copy will accomplish
> exactly what is meant.
> Also notice the order in which the properties are read:
>     <!-- Allow users a chance to override without editing the
> main file -->
>     <property file="${user.home}/cocoon.build.properties"/>
>     <property file="local.build.properties"/>
>     <!-- Get the build properties from an external file -->
>     <property file="build.properties"/>
>     <!-- Allow users a chance to override without editing the
> main file -->
>     <property file="${user.home}/cocoon.blocks.properties"/>
>     <property file="local.blocks.properties"/>
>     <!-- Get the block properties from an external file -->
>     <property file="blocks.properties"/>
> So, the cocoon.build.properties in your homedirectory is loaded first,
> then the local.build.properties, then build.properties.  The first one
> to set the value wins, and Cocoon gives you two shots at them before
> the default apply.
> HTH,
> Geoff
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 1:45 PM
> > Subject: I may be wrong but...
> >
> >
> > I'm not certain I'm right, but I have the sneaking suspicion that
> > the build
> > the way it's written right now cannot possibly work. As far as I know,
> > there's no way to unset a property in ant. The "unless" attribute of a
> > target will not build the target if the property is "set". As
> far as I can
> > see, this means if it has any value at all. The only way to
> > overcome this is
> > to modify build.properties to remove the setting of those
> property values.
> > It cannot be overridden by copying build.properties to
> > local.build.properties and modifying that as suggested because it's not
> > possible to define them to a non-value.
> > I have commented those properties out of build.properties (and
> > local.build.properties) and this has solved my problem.
> > That's my two cents worth.
> > Rich
> >
> >
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