
That was it, thank you for the help. All of you that helped thank you.

Tim Bachta

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Haul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: esql:query problem

On 25.Jun.2003 -- 10:48 AM, Tim Bachta wrote:
> Well I tried that and no error, the only problem is I get no results
> either.  I was looking at the example that I am working from

Maybe you need to add the needs-query attribute. Some drivers don't
like it if a CallableStatement is just execute()'ed and your java code
uses executeQuery(). So, try

    <esql:call needs-query="true">{call rptLocationDeviations(
      <esql:parameter direction="in"
       <esql:parameter direction="in"
       <esql:parameter direction="in"
       <test><esql:get-string column="1"/></test>

> port
> And it uses the call-results tag as well as the use-results tag.  I
> guess this may be bad documentation?  I don't know I just wish I could
> get this to work.  Thanks again for the help it is really appreciated.

This topic is difficult because each and every driver bahaves
differently in this respect. But documentation is indeed slim. Please
feel free to add to

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