On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> Yes, the ASF has asked us to make this move at some point also.

For the record - note that we -asked-; nothing more; nothing less. If this
community feels it is more productive on CVS that is fine too.

However we ultimately will more and more tie in SVN with things like
Certificates, CLA's, release tracking and other automated papertrail
elements. Which allows us, as the foundation, to better protect the IP and
iwth that the Community in this increasingly 'lega triggerhappyl' world.
And ultimately every exception becomes a liability in that prcedural

However this is a proces of years - and at this point there is no great
urgency. Esp. as there are enough voluteers within the CVS using pmc's to
keep it alive.


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