
We are trying to configure EndNote so that it consistently retrieves the full 
text for individual references once added to the local collection. As detailed 
in several other LibGuides, we're using the information we've listed here 
http://libguides.usu.edu/endnote/databases to set our preferences. I'm hoping 
others have seen problems with references going into the "not found" list and 
then found a way to resolve it.

We have tried using only the OpenURL setting (not Web of Science, DOI, or 
PubMed), which has not worked. But when we add only DOI in addition to OpenURL, 
it will retrieve the article if it is freely available. So it seems to be 
bypassing our link resolver even when we have access to the article in our 

We have tried authenticating first or not authenticating (from an on-campus IP 
address). The login process seems to be successful, but the full text still 
shows up in the "not found" list in the sidebar.

We also tried some permutations of the OpenURL path: using "https" instead of 
"http", without the final slash, and with a question mark after the slash. None 
of these seemed to make any difference.

One of the users that brought the problem to our attention called EndNote 
support, and they recommended that we "ask the vendor if there is an updated 
search link." But neither of the institution-specific URLs would have been 
changed by a vendor.

I have found several forum posts from the last 8 years or so, which either have 
no response or nothing that we haven't tried. Has anyone seen this and 
successfully resolved it? Thanks in advance!

Robert Heaton
Collection Management Librarian
Utah State University Libraries

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