
... Is this code available under a license? ...

Not yet.

A third of me wishes I'd never seen Michael Doran's excellent
code4lib2007 presentation and could just blindly release stuff open-
source (for those not there, amongst great info, he cautioned against
claiming to release stuff as open-source when it may not legally be
so), but the other 2/3 is *very* appreciative I was there, and our
pro-open-source team hopes to get a process in place to legitimately
release stuff with an explicit license.


So I'll just informally say that I hope this is useful to others for

By the way, to all: when I went to the code4lib site to make sure I
attributed Michael properly, I didn't expect to see the nice
presentation of the slideshow and video. Kudos to those of you who
took the work of those we've thanked for producing this stuff, for
putting it together on the conference-schedule links. Very nice.



Birkin James Diana
Programmer, Integrated Technology Services
Brown University Library

On May 8, 2007, at 6:56 PM, Godmar Back wrote:

... Is this code available under a license? ...

On 5/8/07, Birkin James Diana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 1, 2007 Godmar Back wrote:

> ..Are there any reusable, open source scripts out there that
> implements a REST interface that screenscrapes or otherwise
> efficiently accesses a III catalog?...

...Below is the link to my code....



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