Hi Ed,

You wrote:

I completely agree.  When developing software it's really important to
focus on the cleanest/clearest solution, rather than getting bogged
down in edge cases and the comments from nay sayers. I hope that my
response didn't come across that way.


A couple follow on questions for you:

In your vision for this software are you expecting that content
providers would have to implement RFC 5005 for your archiving system
to work?

Probably yes - at least for older entries. New posts can also be
collected with the default feeds. Instead of working out exceptions and
special solutions how to get blog archives with other methods you should
provide RFC 5005 plugins for common blog software like Wordpress and
advertise its use ("We are sorry - the blog that you asked to archive
does not support RFC 5005 so we can only archive new postings. Please
ask its provider to implement archived feeds so we can archive the
postings before {TIMESTAMP}. More information and plugins for RFC 5005
can be found {HERE}. Thank you!").

Are you considering archiving media files associated with a blog entry
(images, sound, video, etc?).

Well, it depends on. There are hundreds of ways to associate media files
- I doubt that you can easily archive YouTube and SlideShare widgets
etc. but images included with <img src="..."/> should be doable. However
I prefer iterative developement - if basic archiving works, you can
start to think about media files. By the way I would value more the
comments - which are also additional and non trivial to archive.

To begin with, a WordPress plugin is surely the right step. Up to now
RFC 5005 is so new that noone implemented it yet although its not


Jakob Voß <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, skype: nichtich
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) / Common Library Network
Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
+49 (0)551 39-10242, http://www.gbv.de

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