Yeah, I've been thinking of doing this for too -- so the user will get institutional link resolver and catalog links in too, which they only get if they're from a recognized IP. So even though it's free... helps access.

Actually, there is one feature in that isn't free. If your institution pays for FirstSearch Worldcat, then on under holdings, your users will see ALL worldcat holdings, not just other 'paid' institutions -- IF the user is coming from a recognized IP. If the user is not coming from a recognized FirstSearch-paid IP, they can only see FirstSearch-paid libraries holdings on

So, yeah, I think there are times when you want/need to use proxy despite the resource being free. web proxy for access is a pain in general, I wish there was a better way actually in use of communicating identity than IP addresses, but that's what we've got right now.


Nate Vack wrote:
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:25 PM, John Wynstra<> wrote:

We have tested routing off-campus users through our local proxy (WAM) when
they link to Google Scholar from our library website.

I believe we do this at Madison -- for Google Scholar as well as
PubMed. Warps my mind to proxy a free resource, but it's not totally
insane, either.


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