On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 11:14:47AM +0800, Wayne Lam wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I am new in here and i am currently worked in the library too.
> I am always confused that when i read the post in here, there are always
> something i don't understand
> and there are so much to learn.
>   So, the question is, hows everybody learns to be a good coder for
> libraries, what s the secret and what
> kind of technology are most important to learn?

Find problems that interest you and go about trying to solve them. Ideally the 
problems should be of interest to the person who does your annual evaluation.

This means the most important technology (sic) to learn is one that interests 
you and this is hardly EVER static. I would argue that a decade ago I could get 
by with knowledge of C. I think development today requires basic knowledge of 
more languages. 


> thanks
> Wayne

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