Ed, I have NO IDEA how you got to rdf/xml from the OL author link -- do tell, and I'll take a look! There is no RDF/XML export template for authors, but one could be created. The URI/URL is simply the address of the author page, and also considered the author identifier on OL.

Thanks for the covers suggestion -- I'll see if that can be added.


Ed Summers wrote:
Thanks for announcing this exciting news Karen. Are there any plans to
improve the Author data view? For example the bibliographic
description you pointed us at [1] references Lawrence Lessig using:


Which is really nice, and honestly enough to say you are doing
linked-data IMHO. But when you resolve that URI you get a chunk of
rdf/xml which isn't valid (no rdf namespace declared). If this could
be fixed it might even nice to deliver up Authors using something like
FOAF if possible.

Also have you considered linking to the book covers in the
bibliographic data view using something like foaf:depiction and/or
foaf:thumbnail? For example:

  <http://openlibrary.org/b/OL6807502M> foaf:depiction
<http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL6807502M-L.jpg> .

Thanks again for taking the time to announce this new support.


[1] http://openlibrary.org/b/OL6807502M.rdf

Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
kco...@kcoyle.net http://www.kcoyle.net
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

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