Maybe you should look into using what CDL uses to get that functionality,
which is also based on Lucene:


On 10/16/09 10/16/09 € 12:12 PM, "Eric James" <> wrote:

> For our finding aids, we are using fedoragenericsearch 2.2 with solr as index.
> Because the EADs can be huge, the EADs are indexed but not stored (with stored
> EADs, search time for ~500 objects = 20 min rather than < 1 sec).
> However, we would like to have number of search terms found within each hit.
> For example, CDL's collection:
> Also we would like highlighting/snippets of the search term similar to CDL's.
> Is it a lost cause to have this functionality without storing the EAD?  Is
> there a way to store the EAD and have a reasonable response time?
> ---
> Eric James
> Yale University Libraries

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