I like the "Hacker 101/102/201/202" idea. While you do have a lot of
seasoned programmers at c4l, others (and myself) haven't quite yet
broken that barrier between the mundane and programming
enlightenment/zen. I've met quite a few folks in that situation at the
last c4l, and I'm sure many would appreciate such a session so they
can get up to speed.


Still working on opening that third eye of hers...

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Dan Chudnov <daniel.chud...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  - "Hacker 101/102/201/202", a friendly session to help people still newish
> with the coding thing to get up to speed a little more
> I'd be happy to propose and run the second, especially if I could find a
> co-conspirator.  If Chick is up for running the first, I'd sign up to help
> him.

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