A classic general overview (on the topic of "what the heck ARE
character sets???"):


On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Ken Irwin <kir...@wittenberg.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a good source to help me understand character sets and how to 
> use them. I pretty much know nothing about this - the whole world of Unicode, 
> ASCII, octal, UTF-8, etc. is baffling to me.
> My immediate issue is that I think I need to integrate data from a variety of 
> character sets into one MySQL table - I expect I need some way to convert 
> from one to another, but I don't really even know how to tell which data are 
> in which format.
> Our homegrown journal list (akin to SerialsSolutions) includes data ingested 
> from publishers, vendors, the library catalog (III), etc. When I look at the 
> data in emacs, some of it renders like this:
>  Revista de Oncolog\303\255a                  [slashes-and-digits instead of 
> diacritics]
> And other data looks more like:
>  Revista de Música Latinoamericana    [weird characters instead of 
> diacritics]
> My MySQL table is currently set up with the collation set to: utf8-bin , and 
> the titles from the second category (weird characters display in emacs) 
> render properly when the database data is output to the a web browser. The 
> data from the former example (\###) renders as an "I don't know what 
> character this is" placeholder in Firefox and IE.
> So, can someone please point me toward any or all of the following?
> ·         A good primer for understanding all of this stuff
> ·         A method for converting all of my data to the same character set so 
> it plays nicely in the database
> ·         The names of which character-sets I might be working with here
> Many thanks!
> Ken

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