I'm exploring options for implementing a spelling suggestion or basic query reformulation service in our home grown search application (searches library website, catalog, summon, and a few other bins). Right now, my thought is to provide results for whatever was searched for 'as is' and generate a link for an alternate search -- sort of like what The Google does. I am concerned only with correcting spelling errors, not so much with topically related search suggestions.
The 3 options I've found that seem worth further investigation are: - Yahoo Search spellingSuggestion service: http://developer.yahoo.com/search/web/V1/spellingSuggestion.html - GNU Aspell: http://aspell.net - Ockham Spell service: http://spell.ockham.org/about/index.html . There is a thread on Code4Lib back in 2005 about this: http://serials.infomotions.com/code4lib/sru/?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.1&stylesheet=/code4lib/sru/style.xsl&query=spelling+server Anyone doing something like this? What tools are you using? What have you tried? What worked well? Have I overlooked an option that I should consider? Thanks, Cory Cory Lown NCSU Libraries Raleigh, NC cory_l...@ncsu.edu