> I think your functional requirement that made this non-trivial was
> your mention of it needing ILL functionality.


There's a definite threshold that has to be crossed before you start
> seeing something like that integrated into the ILS.

Perhaps from a usual library perspective, ILL is fancy, but programatically,
it isn't any more complicated than a borrower.  Except a lender checks a
book in first and simultaneously creates a record for it.

Openbiblio doesn't seem to handle ILL.  I'm not sure I want to use an
established ILS but have to try to do ILL stuff outside of it, especially
since it is central to the library's purpose.

Newgenlib has a page about their library networks.  Unfortunately, the
search function on their site is broken.  (seacrh for "book" comes up
negative).  I'll keep looking into it.  If even an ILS with support for
library hierarchies doesn't work out, then I guess simple home-brew command
line administration is the way to go.


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