Getting back to the subject of a previous thread, (and digesting some wonderful 
contributions by Karen, Alex, Jeremy and Ed C.) I dug around some links that 
Jonathan posted, and I think they're worth further discussion.

The way that JHU has integrated Public Domain works into its catalog results 
with umlaut is brilliant and pragmatic; the new catalog ("catalyst") interface 
based on Blacklight is a great improvement on the older Horizon version:

Clearly, Jonathan has gone through the process of getting his library to think 
through the integration, and it seems to work.

Has there been any opposition? 

What are the reasons that this sort of integration not more widespread? Are 
they technical or institutional? What can be done by producers of open access 
content to make this work better and easier? Are "unified" approaches being 
touted by vendors delivering something really different?

Looking forward, I wonder whether the "print-first, then enrich with digital" 
strategy required by today's infrastructure and work flow will decline compared 
to a more Googlish web-first strategy.


Eric Hellman
President, Gluejar, Inc.   
41 Watchung Plaza #132, Montclair NJ 07042

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