Web and User Interface Librarian
Wayne State University

**Position Description:**  
The Web and User Interface Librarian works in the Discovery Services Team
under the supervision of the Assistant Director for Discovery and
Innovation. This individual will collaborate with a wide
range of library units to develop the next generation of fully integrated and
engaging online library experiences.

**Essential Job Functions:**  
● Create and optimize effective user interfaces for a wide range of library
systems including library developed discovery interfaces like the University
Libraries Digital Collection and Quicksearch discovery tool.

● Develop page, template and element designs in line with WSU Library System
and University branding.

● Provide design guidance to the Discovery Services and Digital Publishing
Teams for a wide range of web properties.

● Integrate new content for the library website and related systems.

● Create graphics, images, photographs, videos and other media to support
content development.

● Promote interface integration among library systems, such as the library
discovery layers, interlibrary loan, websites, digital collection systems, and
with campus-wide systems.

● Work with a wide range of stakeholders to iteratively test and develop user
interfaces with key user groups.

● Participate in library teams and special projects related to library
discovery, digital publishing, and user experience testing.

● Other duties as assigned.

• Master's degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA- accredited
library school.

• Demonstrated design experience in a variety of digital formats, such as web
pages, discovery systems, and mobile interfaces.

• Knowledge and experience with mobile web development, notably responsive web
design techniques.

• Undergraduate degree concentration or equivalent experience that
demonstrates abilities in web development and mobile web development.

• Minimum one year of experience and/or formal training in Web/multimedia

• Experience in programming languages, including PHP, jQuery/JavaScript, shell
scripting, etc.

• Experience with UNIX/Linux/OSX operating systems and the LAMP environment.

• Highly developed written and verbal communication skills.

• Knowledge of passive usability tools, such as log analysis and website
analytics systems.

**Preferred Qualifications:**  
● Experience working with content management systems, such as Drupal,

● Experience working with discovery platforms, such as Blacklight and VuFind

● Knowledge of Agile development methodologies.

For information on how to apply please see:


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