I highly recommend Chapter 6 of the Linked Data book which details different 
design approaches for Linked Data applications - sections 6.3  
(http://linkeddatabook.com/editions/1.0/#htoc84) summarises the approaches as:

1. Crawling Pattern
2. On-the-fly dereferencing pattern
3. Query federation pattern

Generally my view would be that (1) and (2) are viable approaches for different 
applications, but that (3) is generally a bad idea (having been through 
federated search before!)


Owen Stephens
Owen Stephens Consulting
Web: http://www.ostephens.com
Email: o...@ostephens.com
Telephone: 0121 288 6936

> On 26 Feb 2015, at 14:40, Eric Lease Morgan <emor...@nd.edu> wrote:
> On Feb 25, 2015, at 2:48 PM, Esmé Cowles <escow...@ticklefish.org> wrote:
>>> In the non-techie library world, linked data is being talked about (perhaps 
>>> only in listserv traffic) as if the data (bibliographic data, for instance) 
>>> will reside on remote sites (as a SPARQL endpoint??? We don't know the 
>>> technical implications of that), and be displayed by <your local 
>>> catalog/the centralized inter-national catalog> by calling data from that 
>>> remote site. But the original question was how the data on those remote 
>>> sites would be <access points> - how can I start my search by searching for 
>>> that remote content?  I assume there has to be a database implementation 
>>> that visits that data and pre-indexes it for it to be searchable, and 
>>> therefore the index has to be local (or global a la Google or OCLC or its 
>>> bibliographic-linked-data equivalent). 
>> I think there are several options for how this works, and different 
>> applications may take different approaches.  The most basic approach would 
>> be to just include the URIs in your local system and retrieve them any time 
>> you wanted to work with them.  But the performance of that would be 
>> terrible, and your application would stop working if it couldn't retrieve 
>> the URIs.
>> So there are lots of different approaches (which could be combined):
>> - Retrieve the URIs the first time, and then cache them locally.
>> - Download an entire data dump of the remote vocabulary and host it locally.
>> - Add text fields in parallel to the URIs, so you at least have a label for 
>> it.
>> - Index the data in Solr, Elasticsearch, etc. and use that most of the time, 
>> esp. for read-only operations.
> Yes, exactly. I believe Esmé has articulated the possible solutions well. 
> escowles++  —ELM

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