Github user gtapper commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/jdbct4ref_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/accessing.adoc ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
    + *@@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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    + */
    += Accessing {project-name} SQL Databases
    +== Data Sources
    +The term *data source* logically refers to a database or other data
    +storage entity. A JDBC (client) data source is physically a Java object 
    +contains properties such as the URL of the physical database, the
    +catalog to use when connecting to this database, and the schema to use
    +when connecting to this database. The JDBC data source also contains
    +methods for obtaining a JDBC connection to the underlying database.
    +=== JDBC Data Source (client-side)
    +All JDBC data source classes implement either the `javax.sql.DataSource`
    +interface or the `javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource` interface. The Type
    +4 driver data source classes are `org.trafodion.t4jdbc.HPT4DataSource` and
    +`org.trafodion.t4jdbc.HPT4ConnectionPoolDataSource`. (These classes are
    +defined by the JDBC 3.0 specification.)
    +Typically, a user or system administrator uses a tool to create a data
    +source, and then registers the data source by using a JNDI service
    +provider. At run time, a user application typically retrieves the data
    +source through JNDI, and uses the data source's methods to establish a
    +connection to the underlying database.
    +A DataSource object maps to an instance of a database. In the Type 4
    +driver product, the DataSource object acts as an interface between the
    +application code and the database and enables connection with an DCS
    +data source.
    +== Security
    +Clients connect to the {project-name} platform with a valid user name
    +and ID, using standard JDBC 3.0 APIs. An application can make multiple
    +connections using different user IDs, and creating different Connection
    +The Type 4 driver provides for user name and password authentication.
    +The password is encrypted with a proprietary algorithm provided by DCS.
    +NOTE: There is no secure wire communication such as SSL provided for the
    +communication between Type 4 driver and the {project-name} platform.
    +== Connection by Using the DataSource Interface
    +The `javax.sql.DataSource` interface is the preferred way to establish a
    +connection to the database because this interface enhances the application
    +portability. Portability is achieved by allowing the application to use a
    +logical name for a data source instead of providing driver-specific 
    +in the application. A logical name is mapped to a `javax.sql.DataSource`
    +object through a naming service that uses the Java Naming and Directory
    +Interface (JNDI). Using this DataSource method is particularly recommended
    +for application servers.
    +When an application requests a connection by using the `getConnection` 
    +in the `DataSource`, then the method returns a `Connection` object.
    +A `DataSource` object is a factory for `Connection` objects. An object that
    +implements the `DataSource` interface is typically registered with a JNDI
    +service provider.
    +=== Overview of Tasks to Deploy DataSource Objects
    +Before an application can connect to a `DataSource` object, typically
    +the system administrator deploys the `DataSource` object so that
    +the application programmers can start using it.
    +Data source properties are usually set by a system administrator using
    +a GUI tool as part of the installation of the data source. Users to
    +the data source do not get or set properties. Management tools can get
    +at properties by using introspection.
    +Tasks involved in creating and registering a database object are:
    +1. Creating an instance of the `DataSource` class.
    +2. Setting the properties of the `DataSource` object.
    +3. Registering the `DataSource` object with a naming service that uses
    +the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API.
    +An instance of the `DataSource` class and the `DataSource` object
    +properties are usually set by an application developer or system
    +administrator using a GUI tool as part of the installation of the
    +data source. If you are using an installed data source, then see
Programmatically Creating an Instance of the DataSource Class>>.
    +The subsequent topics show an example of performing these tasks 
    +For more information about using data sources, see[Connecting
 with DataSource Objects]
    +in the[JDBC(TM) 
Database Access: Table of Contents] documentation
    +or other information available in the field.
    +=== DataSource Object Properties
    +A `DataSource` object has properties that identify and describe the actual
    +data source that the object represents. These properties include such
    +information as the URL (the primary IP address or host name of the 
    +the database schema and catalog names, the location of the database server,
    +the name of the database, and so forth.
    +For details about Type 4 driver properties that you can use with the 
`DataSource` object, see <<type-4-driver-properties,Type 4 Driver Properties>>.
    +=== Programmatically Creating an Instance of the DataSource Class
    +A JDBC application can set `DataSource` properties programmatically and
    +register with a DataSource object. To get or set `DataSource` object 
properties programmatically, use the
    +appropriate getter or setter methods on the `HPT4DataSource` object or
    +the `HPT4ConnectionPoolDataSource` object.
    +[source, java]
    +HPT4DataSource temp = new HPT4DataSource() ;
    +temp.setCatalog( "Seabase" ) ;
    +In the following example, the code fragment illustrates the methods that a
    +`DataSource` object `ds` needs to include if the object supports the
    +`serverDataSource` property `ds.setServerDataSource( 
"my_server_datasource" )`.
    +In this example, the code shows setting properties for the 
`HPT4DataSource` object
    +to use the Type 4 driver to access a {project-name} database:
    +[source, java]
    +HPT4DataSource ds = new HPT4DataSource() ;
    +ds.setUrl( "jdbc:hpt4jdbc://<primary IP addr or host name>:18650/" );
    +ds.setCatalog( "Seabase" ) ;
    +ds.setSchema( "myschema" ) ;
    +ds.setUser( "gunnar" ) ;
    +ds.setPassword( "my_userpassword" ) ;
    +// Properties relevant for Type 4 connection pooling.
    +// Set ds.setMaxPoolSize(-1) for turning OFF connection pooling
    +ds.setMaxPoolSize( "10000" ) ;
    +ds.setMinPoolSize( "1000" ) ;
    +// Properties relevant for Type 4 statement pooling.
    +// Set ds.setMaxStatement(0) for turning statement pooling OFF
    +// Statement pooling is enabled only when connection pooling is
    +// enabled.
    +ds.setMaxStatements( "7000" ) ;
    +This technique essentially builds a properties file. For more information,
    +see <<creating-and-using-a-properties-file, Creating and Using a 
Properties File>>.
    +=== Programmatically Registering the DataSource Object
    +In the following example, the code shows how to register, programmatically,
    +the `HPT4DataSource` object `ds` that was created using the preceding code 
with JNDI.
    +[source, java]
    +java.util.Hashtable env = new java.util.Hashtable() ;
    +env.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "Factory class name here" ) ;
    +javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext( env ) ;
    +ctx.rebind( "myDataSource", ds ) ;
    +=== Retrieving a DataSource Instance by Using JNDI and Connecting to the 
Data Source
    +Typically, the JDBC application looks up the data source JNDI name from a
    +context object. Once the application has the `DataSource` object, then the 
    +does a `getConnection()` call on the data source and gets a connection.
    +The steps that JDBC application does to connect to and use the data source 
    +with the database are listed below together with the application code to 
perform the
    +1. Import the packages.
    +[source, java]
    +import javax.naming.* ;
    +import java.sql.* ;
    +import javax.sql.DataSource ;
    +2. Create the initial context.
    +[source, java]
    +Hashtable env = new Hashtable() ;
    +env.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 
"com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory" ) ;
    +   Context ctx = new InitialContext( env ) ; 
    +catch( ... )
    +3. Look up the JNDI name associated with the data source `myDataSource`, 
where `myDataSource`
    +is the logical name that will be associated with the real-world data 
source - server.
    +[source, java]
    +DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup( "myDataSource" ) ;
    +4. Create the connection using the data source.
    +[source, java]
    +con = ds.getConnection() ;
    +5. Do work with the connection. The following statements are just a simple 
    +[source, java]
    +stmt = con.createStatement() ;
    +   stmt.executeUpdate( "drop table tdata" ) ;
    +catch ( SQLException e ) {}
    +=== Specifying the Properties File that Configures the Data Source
    +To use the properties file method to configure a `DataSource` object, the 
    +file must exist on disk and contain the `property_name=property_value` 
pairs that
    +configure the data source.
    +See <<creating-and-using-a-properties-file, Creating and Using a 
Properties File>>
    +for more information about creating this file.
    +When the JDBC application makes the connection, then the application should
    +pass the properties file as a command-line parameter:
    +java<path of properties file on disk>
    +== Connection by Using the DriverManager Class
    +The `java.sql.DriverManager` class is widely used to get a connection, but
    +is less portable than the `DataSource` class. The `DriverManager` class
    +works with the Driver interface to manage the set of drivers loaded.
    +When an application issues a request for a connection using the
    +`DriverManager.getConnection` method and provides a URL, the 
    +finds a suitable driver that recognizes this URL and obtains a database
    +connection using that driver.
    +`org.trafodion.t4jdbc.HPT4Driver` is the Type 4 driver class that
    +implements the `java.sql.Driver` interface.
    +=== Loading and Registering the Driver
    +Before connecting to the database, the application loads the Driver
    +class and registers the Type 4 driver with the DriverManager class in
    +one of the following ways:
    +* Specifies the Type 4 driver class in the `-Djdbc.drivers` option in the
    +command line of the Java program:
    +* Uses the `Class.forName` method programmatically within the application:
    +[source, java]
    +* Adds the Type 4 driver class to the `java.lang.System` property
    +`jdbc.drivers` property within the application:
    +=== Establishing the Connection
    +The `DriverManager.getConnection` method accepts a string containing a
    +Type 4 driver URL. The JDBC URL for the Type 4 driver is
    +jdbc:hpt4jdbc://<ip addr or host 
    +[cols="40%,60%", options="header"]
    +| Parameter                | Usage
    +| `<ip addr or host name>` | The primary IP address or host name for the 
{project-name} database.
    +| `37800`                  | The port number for the {project-name} SQL 
    +| `property = value` and `property2=value2` | Specifies a Type 4 driver 
property name-property value pair. The pairs must be separated by a
    +semicolon (`;`). For example, `T4LogLevel=ALL;T4LogFile=temp1.log`.
    +For information about the properties file, see  
<<type-4-driver-properties,Type 4 Driver Properties>>.
    +To establish a connection, the JDBC application can use this code:
    +[source, java]
    +Class.forName( "org.trafodion.t4jdbc.HPT4Driver" ) ; //loads the driver
    +String url = "jdbc:hpt4jdbc://<database primary IP address>:37800/"
    +Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( url, "userID", "Passwd" ) ;
    +The variable con represents a connection to the data source that can be
    +used to create and execute SQL statements.
    +=== Guidelines for Connections Using the Driver Manager
    +* The Type 4 driver defines a set of properties that you can use to
    +configure the driver. For detailed information about these properties,
    +see  <<type-4-driver-properties,Type 4 Driver Properties>>.
    +* Java applications can specify the properties in these ways (listed in
    +the order of precedence):
    +1.  Using the `java.util.Properties` parameter in the `getConnection` 
method of DriverManager class.
    +2.  Using the database URL in the `DriverManager.getconnection` method, 
where the URL is:
    +jdbc:hpt4jdbc://<ip addr or host name>:37800/:property=value
    +`<ip addr or host name>` is the primary IP address or host name for the 
{project-name} database.
    +3.  Using a properties file for the JDBC driver. The properties file is
    +passed as a command-line parameter. The format to enter the properties
    +file in the command line is:
    +```<path of properties file on disk>
    +For example, `\temp\t4props`
    +For information about the properties file, see 
<<creating-and-using-a-properties-file, Creating and Using a Properties File>>.
    +4.  Using JDBC properties with the `-D` option in the command line. If
    +used, this option applies to all JDBC connections using the
    +`DriverManager` within the Java application. The format in the command
    +line is:
    +-Dhpt4jdbc.property_name=<property value>
    +For example, `-Dhpt4jdbc.maxStatements=1024`
    +== Connection Pooling
    +The Type 4 driver provides an implementation of connection pooling,
    +where a cache of physical database connections are assigned to a client
    +session and reused for the database activity. If connection pooling is
    +active, connections are not physically closed. The connection is
    +returned to its connection pool when the `Connection.close()` method is
    +called. The next time a connection is requested by the client, the
    +driver will return the pooled connection, and not a new physical
    +* The connection pooling feature is available when the JDBC application
    +uses either the `DriverManager` class or `DataSource` interface to obtain a
    +JDBC connection. The connection pool size is determined by the
    +`maxPoolSize` property value and `minPoolSize` property value.
    +* By default, connection pooling is disabled. To enable connection
    +pooling, set the maxPoolSize property to an integer value greater than 0
    +* Manage connection pooling by using these Type 4 driver properties:
    +** `maxPoolSize` under <<maxpoolsize-property, maxpoolsize Property>>
    +** `minPoolSize` under <<minpoolsize-property, minPoolSize Property>>
    +** `initialPoolSize` under <<initialpoolsize-property, initialPoolSize 
    +** `maxStatements` under <<maxstatements-property, maxStatements Property>>
    +* When used with the DriverManager class, the Type 4 driver has a
    +connection-pool manager that determines which connections are pooled
    +together by a unique value for these combination of properties:
    +Therefore, connections that have the same values for the combination of
    +a set of properties are pooled together.
    +NOTE: The connection-pooling property values used at the first
    +connection of a given combination are effective throughout the life of
    +the process. An application cannot change any of these property values
    +after the first connection for a given combination.
    +== Statement Pooling
    +The statement pooling feature allows applications to reuse the
    +PreparedStatement object in the same way that they can reuse a
    +connection in the connection pooling environment. Statement pooling is
    +completely transparent to the application.
    +=== Guidelines for Statement Pooling
    +* To enable statement pooling, set the `maxStatements` property to an
    +integer value greater than 0 and enable connection pooling. For more
    +information, see <<initialpoolsize-property, initialPoolSize Property>> and
    +<<connection-pooling, Connection Pooling>>.
    +* Enabling statement pooling for your JDBC applications might
    +dramatically improve the performance.
    +* Explicitly close a prepared statement by using the `Statement.close`
    +method because `PreparedStatement` objects that are not in scope are also
    +not reused unless the application explicitly closes them.
    +* To ensure that your application reuses a `PreparedStatement`, call
    +either of these methods:
    +** `Statement.close method`: called by the application.
    +** `Connection.close method`: called by the application. All the
    +`PreparedStatement` objects that were in use are ready to be reused when
    +the connection is reused.
    +=== Troubleshooting Statement Pooling
    +Note the following Type 4 driver implementation details if you are
    +troubleshooting statement pooling:
    +* The Type 4 driver looks for a matching `PreparedStatement` object in the
    +statement pool and reuses the `PreparedStatement`. The matching criteria
    +include the SQL string, catalog, current schema, current transaction
    +isolation, and result set holdability.
    +If the Type 4 driver finds the matching `PreparedStatement` object, then 
    +driver returns the same `PreparedStatement` object to the application for 
    +and marks the `PreparedStatement` object as in use.
    +* The algorithm, _earlier used are the first to go_, is used to make
    +room for caching subsequently generated `PreparedStatement` objects when
    +the number of statements reaches the `maxStatements` limit.
    +* The Type 4 driver assumes that any SQL CONTROL statements in effect at
    +the time of execution or reuse are the same as those in effect at the time
    +of SQL compilation.
    +If this condition is not true, then reuse of a `PreparedStatement` object 
    +result in unexpected behavior.
    +* Avoid recompiling to yield performance improvements from statement
    +pooling. The SQL executor automatically recompiles queries when certain 
conditions are met.
    +Some of these conditions are:
    +** A run-time version of a table has a different redefinition timestamp
    +than the compile-time version of the same table.
    +** An existing open operation on a table was eliminated by a DDL or SQL
    +utility operation.
    +** The transaction isolation level and access mode at execution time is
    +different from that at the compile time.
    +* When a query is recompiled, then the SQL executor stores the recompiled 
    +therefore, the query is recompiled only once until any of the previous 
    +are met again.
    +* The Type 4 driver does not cache `Statement` objects.
    +== Thread-Safe Database Access
    +In the Type 4 driver, API layer classes are implemented as
    +instance-specific objects to ensure thread safety:
    +* `HPT4DataSource.getConnection()` is implemented as a synchronized method
    +to ensure thread safety in getting a connection.
    +* Once a connection is made, the `Connection` object is instance-specific.
    +* If multiple statements are run on different threads in a single
    +connection, then statement objects are serialized to prevent data 
    +== "Update  .  .  .  Where Current of" Operations
    +The fetch size on a `ResultSet` must be 1 when performing an
    +`update . . . where current of` _cursor_ SQL statement.
    +If the value of the fetch size is greater than 1, the result of the
    +`update . . . where current` of operation might be one of the following:
    +* An incorrect row might be updated based on the actual cursor position.
    +* An SQLException might occur because the cursor being updated might
    +have already been closed.
    +The following is an example of setting a result set's fetch size to 1
    +and executing an `update . . . where current` of _cursor_ SQL statement.
    +[source, java]
    +ResultSet rs ;
    +  ...
    +  rs.setFetchSize( 1 ) ;
    +  String st1 = rs.getCursorName() ;
    +  Statement stmt2 =
    +    connection.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
    +                              , ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
    +                              ) ;
    +  stmt2.executeUpdate( "UPDATE cat2.sch2.table1
    +                        SET j = 'update row' WHERE CURRENT OF "
    +                     + st1
    +                     ) ;
    +== INFOSTATS Command for Obtaining Query Costs
    +The INFOSTATS command reports the roll-up costs of a particular query.
    +INFOSTATS is a pass-through command that collects statistics for a
    +prepared statement. Statistics are returned to the JDBC application as a
    +result set as soon as the prepare is finished. The result set has these
    +[cols="30%,70%",options="header" ]
    +| Column                     | Description
    +| `Query ID (SQL_CHAR)`      | The unique identifier for the query.
    +| `CPUTime (SQL_DOUBLE)`     | An estimate of the number of seconds of 
processor time it might take to execute the instructions for this query. A 
value of 1.0 is 1 second.
    +| `IOTime (SQL_DOUBLE)`      | An estimate of the number of seconds of I/O 
time (seeks plus data transfer) to perform the I/O for this query.
    +| `MsgTime (SQL_DOUBLE)`     | An estimate of the number of seconds it 
takes for the messaging for this query. The estimate includes the time for the 
number of local and remote
    +messages and the amount of data sent.
    +| `IdleTime (SQL_DOUBLE)`    | An estimate of the maximum number of 
seconds to wait for an event to happen for this query. The estimate includes 
the amount of time to open
    +a table or start an ESP process.
    +| `TotalTime (SQL_DOUBLE)`   | Estimated cost associated to execute the 
    +| `Cardinality (SQL_DOUBLE)` | Estimated number of rows that will be 
    +=== Use of the INFOSTATS Command
    +The INFOSTATS command can only be used with PreparedStatement objects.
    +The syntax is:
    +INFOSTATS cursor_name
    +where `cursor_name` is the name of the prepared statement. If the cursor 
name is case-sensitive,
    +then enclose it in single quotes.
    +To get the cursor name, use the `getStatementLabel()` method that is
    +defined for the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 driver with class:
    +[source, java]
    +org.trafodion.t4jdbc.HPT4PreparedStatement: public String
    +getStatementLabel() ;
    +* You can use INFOSTATS in these methods only:
    +[source, java]
    +java.sql.Statement.executeQuery(String sql)
    +java.sql.Statement.execute(String sql)
    +* `setCursorName` is not supported with INFOSTATS.
    +* If you invoke INFOSTATS incorrectly, the Type 4 driver issues this error:
    +Message: INFOSTATS command can only be executed
    +         by calling execute(String sql) method.
    +         Sqlstate HY000
    +         Sqlcode 29180
    +*Example of INFOSTATS*
    +[source, java]
    +Statement s = conn.createStatement( ) ;
    +HPT4PreparedStatement p =
    +   (HPT4PreparedStatement)conn.prepareStatement(
    +      "SELECT * FROM t WHERE i = ?" ) ;
    +boolean results = s.execute( "INFOSTATS " + p.getStatementLabel() ) ;
    +if ( results )
    +   ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet( ) ;
    +   while ( ) )
    +   {
    +      //process data
    +   }
    +*Sample Output*
    +QueryID: MXID001001128212016369912348191_16_SQL_CUR_9829657
    +CPUTime: 0.09975778464794362
    +IOTime: 0.10584000146627659
    +MsgTime: 0.09800000134418951
    +IdleTime: 0.09800000134418951
    +TotalTime: 0.10584000146627659
    +Cardinality: 100.0
    +== Internationalization Support
    +=== When String Literals Are Used in Applications
    +Internationalization support in the driver affects the handling of
    +string literals. The Type 4 driver handles string literals in two
    +1. When the driver processes an SQL statement. For example,
    +[source, java]
    +Statement stmt = connection.getStatement() ;
    +stmt.execute( "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 = 'abcd'" ) ;
    +2. When the driver processes JDBC parameters. For example,
    +[source, java]
    +PreparedStatement pStmt = connection.prepareStatement(
    +   "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 = ?" ) ;
    +pStmt.setString( 1, "abcd" ) ;
    +To convert a string literal from the Java to an array of bytes for
    +processing by the {project-name}, the Type 4 driver uses
    +the column type in the database.
    +=== Controlling String Literal Conversion by Using the Character-Set 
    +The Type 4 driver provides character-set mapping properties. These
    +properties allow you to explicitly define the translation of internal
    +SQL character-set formats to and from the Java string Unicode 
    +The Type 4 driver provides character-set mapping properties through key
    +values as shown in the following table.
    +[cols="50%,50%",options="header" ]
    +| Key        | Default Value
    +| `ISO88591` | `ISO88591_1`
    +| `KANJI`    | `SJIS`
    +| `KSC5601`  | `EUC_KR`
    +A description of these character sets appears in table below, which
    +summarizes the character sets supported by {project-name}.
    +[cols="25%,35%,40%",options="header" ]
    +| {project-name} Character Set | Corresponding Java Encoding Set^1^ | 
    +| ISO88591                     | ISO88591_1 | Single-character, 8-bit 
character-data type ISO88591 supports English and other Western European 
    +^1^ Canonical Name for `` and `java.lang` API.
    +For detailed information, see <<iso88591-property, ISO88591 Property>>.
    +==== Using the Character-Set Properties
    +The `java.sql.PreparedStatement` class contains the methods `setString()`
    +and `setCharacterStream()`. These methods take a String and Reader
    +parameter, respectively.
    +The `java.sql.ResultSet` class contains the methods `getString()` and
    +`getCharacterStream()`. These methods return a String and Reader, 
    +===== Retrieving a Column
    +When you retrieve a column as a string (for example, call the
    +`getString()` or `getCharacterStream` methods), the Type 4 driver uses the
    +character-set mapping property key to instantiate a String object (where
    +that key corresponds to the character set of the column).
    +The following `SQL CREATE TABLE` statement creates a table that has an
    +`ISO88591` column.
    +[source, sql]
    +CREATE TABLE t1 ( c1 CHAR(20) CHARACTER SET ISO88591 ) ;
    +The JDBC program uses the following java command to set the ISO88591
    +property and issues the `getString()` method.
    +[source, java]
    +java -Dhpt4jdbc.ISO88591=SJIS
    +// The following method invocation returns a String object, which
    +// was created using the "SJIS" Java canonical name as the charset
    +// parameter to the String constructor.
    +String s1 = rs.getString( 1 ) ; // get column 1 as a String
    +===== Setting a Parameter
    +When you set a parameter by using a String (for example, call the
    +`setString()` method), the Type 4 driver uses the key's value when
    +generating the internal representation of the String (where that
    +key corresponds to the character set of the column). The
    +character-set parameter to the String `getBytes` method is the Java
    +Canonical name that corresponds to the column's character set.
    +The following `SQL CREATE TABLE` statement creates a table
    +that has an ISO88591 column:
    +CREATE TABLE t1 ( c1 CHAR(20) CHARACTER SET ISO88591) ;
    +> java -DISO88591=SJIS
    +The following method invocation sets column one of `stmt` to the String
    +"abcd" where "abcd" is encoded as SJIS. The charset parameter to the
    +String `getBytes` method is SJIS `stmt.setString( 1, "abcd" ) ;`.
    +==== Controlling What Happens on an Exception
    +You can use the `translationVerification` property to explicitly define
    +the behavior of the driver if the driver cannot translate all or part of
    +an SQL parameter. The value portion of the property can be `TRUE` or
    +`FALSE`. (The default value is `FALSE`).
    +If the `translationVerification` property's value is `FALSE` and the driver
    +cannot translate all or part of an SQL statement, then the translation is
    +unspecified. In most cases, the characters that are untranslatable are
    +encoded as ISO88591 single-byte question marks (`'?'` or `0x3F`). No
    +exception or warning is thrown.
    +If the `translationVerification` property's value is TRUE and the driver
    +cannot translate all or part of an SQL statement, then the driver throws an
    +`SQLException` with the following text:
    +Translation of parameter to {0} failed. Cause: {1}
    +where `{0}` is replaced with the target character set and `{1}` is
    +replaced with the cause of the translation failure.
    +For more information, see
    +<<translationverification-property, translationVerification Property>>.
    +=== Localizing Error Messages and Status Messages
    +The Type 4 driver supports Internationalization through resource bundles
    +for localized error messages and status messages. The driver uses a set
    +of static strings from a property file to map error messages and status
    +messages to their textual representation.
    +==== File-Name Format for the Localized-Messages File
    +The property file that has the messages must have a file name in the
    +where `xx` is the locale name. The locale name is defined by the current
    +default locale or by the language property.
    +The Type 4 driver is shipped with an error messages and status messages
    +property file that contains the textual representation of errors and
    +status messages for the English locale. The file is named
    +==== Localized-Message String Format
    +A localized message file contains strings in the form:
    +driver_err_error_from_server_msg=An error was returned from the server.
    +Error: {0} Error detail: {1}
    +where the `message` is `driver_err_error_from_server_msg`. The
    +`message_text` is: `An error was returned from the server. Error: {0} 
Error detail: {1}`
    +The pattern `{n}` in `message_text`, where `n` equals 1, 2, 3, and
    +so forth, is a placeholder that is filled in at run time by the Type 4
    +driver. Any translation must include these placeholders.
    +==== Procedure to Create a Localized-Message File
    +1.  Extract the ` file`, which is in the
    +`hpt4jdbc.jar file`.
    --- End diff --
    Changed to jdbcT4-*.jar everywhere.

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