Github user gtapper commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/jdbct4ref_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/compliance.adoc ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
    + *@@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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    + */
    += Type 4 Driver Compliance
    +== Compliance Overview
    +The Type 4 driver conforms where applicable to the JDBC
    +3.0 API specification. However, this driver differs from the JDBC
    +standard in some ways. This subsection describes the JDBC methods that
    +are not supported, the methods and features that deviate from the
    +specification, and features that are {project-name} extensions to the JDBC 
    +JDBC features that conform to the specification are not described in this 
    +In addition, this chapter lists features of {project-name} SQL that are 
not supported by the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 driver, other
    +unsupported features, and restrictions.
    +== Unsupported Features
    +These methods in the java.sql package throw an SQLException with the
    +message `Unsupported feature - <method-name>`:
    +[cols="65%,35%", options="header"]
    +| Method                               | Comments
    +| `CallableStatement.getArray(int parameterIndex)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getArray(String parameterName)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getBlob(int parameterIndex)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getBlob(String parameterName)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getClob(int parameterIndex)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getClob(String parameterName)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getObject(int parameterIndex, Map map)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getObject(String parameterName, Map map)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getRef(int parameterIndex)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getRef(String parameterName)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getURL(int parameterIndex)` +
    +`CallableStatement.getURL(String parameterName)` +
    +`CallableStatement.executeBatch()` | The particular `CallableStatement` 
method is not supported.
    +| `Connection.releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint)` +
    +`Connection.rollback(Savepoint savepoint)` +
    +`Connection.setSavepoint()` +
    +`Connection.setSavepoint(String name)` | The particular `Connection` 
methods are not supported.
    +| `PreparedStatement.setArray(int parameterIndex, Array x)` +
    +`PreparedStatement.setRef(int parameterIndex, Ref x)` +
    +`PreparedStatement.setURL(int parameterIndex, URL x)` | The particular 
`PreparedStatement` methods are not supported.
    +| `ResultSet.getArray(int columnIndex)` +
    +`ResultSet.getArray(String columnName)` +
    +`ResultSet.getObject(int columnIndex, Map map)` +
    +`ResultSet.getObject(String columnName, Map map)` +
    +`ResultSet.getRef(int columnIndex)ResultSet.getRef(String columnName)` +
    +`ResultSet.getURL(int columnIndex)` +
    +`ResultSet.getURL(String columnName)` +
    +`ResultSet.updateArray(int columnIndex)` +
    +`ResultSet.updateArray(String columnName)` +
    +`ResultSet.updateRef(int columnIndex)` +
    +`ResultSet.updateRef(String columnName) | The particular `ResultSet` 
methods are not supported.
    +| `Statement.getQueryTimeout()` +
    +`Statement.setQueryTimeout()` | The particular `Statement` methods are not 
    +The following methods in the java.sql package throw an SQLException with
    +the message `Auto generated keys not supported`:
    +[cols="65%,35%", options="header" ]
    +| Method                               | Comments
    +| `Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)` +
    +`Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)` +
    +`Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)` | 
Automatically generated keys are not supported.
    +| `Statement.executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)` +
    +`Statement.executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes)` +
    +`Statement.executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames)` +
    +`Statement.getGeneratedKeys()` | Automatically generated keys are not 
    +The following methods in the java.sql package throw an SQLException with
    +the message `Data type not supported`:
    +[cols="65%,35%", options="header" ]
    +| Method                               | Comments
    +| `CallableStatement.getBytes(int parameterIndex)` +
    +`CallableStatement.setBytes(String parameterIndex, bytes[] x)` | The 
particular data type is not supported.
    +The following interfaces in the `java.sql` package are not implemented in
    +the Type 4 driver:
    +[cols="65%,35%", options="header" ]
    +| Method                               | Comments
    +| `java.sql.Array` +
    +`java.sql.Ref` +
    +`java.sql.Savepoint` +
    +`java.sql.SQLData` +
    +`java.sql.SQLInput` +
    +`java.sql.SQLOutput` +
    +`java.sql.Struct` | The underlying data types are not supported by 
    +The following interfaces in the `javax.sql` package are not implemented in 
the Type 4 driver:
    +[cols="65%,35%", options="header" ]
    +| Method                               | Comments
    +| `javax.sql.XAConnection` +
    +`javax.sql.XADataSource` | Distributed Transactions, as described in the 
JDBC 3.0 API specification, are not yet implemented.
    +For additional information about deviations for some methods, see 
<<deviations, Deviations>>.
    +== Deviations
    +The following table lists methods that differ in execution from the JDBC
    +specification. When an argument in a method is ignored, the Type 4
    +driver does not throw an SQLException,thus allowing the application to
    +continue processing. The application might not obtain the expected
    +results, however. Other methods listed do not necessarily throw an
    +SQLException, unless otherwise stated, although they differ from the
    +NOTE: The `java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getVersionColumns()` method mimics the
    +`java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier()` method because
    +{project-name} SQL does not support `SQL_ROWVER` (a columns function that
    +returns the column or columns in the specified table, if any, that are
    +automatically updated by the data source when any value in the row is
    +updated by any transaction).
    +[cols="50%,50%", options="header" ]
    +| Method                               | Comments
    +| `java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(String catalog, String 
schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern)` |
    +The column is added to the column data, but its value is set to NULL 
because {project-name} SQL does not support the column type for these types: +
    + +
    +`SCOPE_SCHEMA,` +
    +`SCOPE_TABLE,` +
    +| `java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getTables(String catalog, String 
schemaPattern, String[] types)` |
    +The column is added to the column data, but its value is set to NULL 
because {project-name} SQL does not support the column type for these types: +
    + +
    +`TYPE_CAT,` +
    +`TYPE_SCHEMA,` +
    +`TYPE_NAME,` +
    +and `REF_GENERATION.`
    +| `java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, 
String tableNamePattern, int[] types)` |
    +BASE_TYPE is added to the column data, but its value is set to NULL 
because {project-name} SQL does not support the base type.
    +| `java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getVersionColumns()` |
    +Mimics the `DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier()` method because 
{project-name} SQL does not support `SQL_ROWVER` (a columns function that 
returns the
    +column or columns in the specified table, if any, that are automatically 
updated by the data source when any value in the row is updated by any 
    +| `java.sql.Connection.createStatement(. . .)` +
    +`java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement(. . .)` |
    +The Type 4 driver does not support the scroll-sensitive result set type, 
so an SQL Warning is issued if an application requests that type. The result 
set is changed to
    +a scroll-insensitive type.
    +| `java.sql.ResultSet.setFetchDirection(. . .)` | The fetch direction 
attribute is ignored.
    +| `java.sql.Statement.cancel()` |
    +In some instances, drops the connection to the server instead of just 
canceling the query. You must then reconnect to the server.
    +Note that the connection is dropped if `cancel()` is issued for a 
statement that is being processed. Otherwise the connection is maintained.
    +| `java.sql.Statement.setEscapeProcessing(. . .)` | Because {project-name} 
SQL parses the escape syntax, disabling escape processing has no effect.
    +| `java.sql.Statement.setFetchDirection(. . .)` | The fetch direction 
attribute is ignored.
    +== {project-name} Extensions
    +The {project-name} extensions to the JDBC standard implemented in the Type 
4 driver are as follows.
    +=== Internationalization of Messages
    +The Type 4 driver is designed so that Java messages can be adopted for
    +various languages. The error messages are stored outside the source code
    +in a separate property file and retrieved dynamically based on the
    +locale setting. The error messages in different languages are stored in
    +separate property files based on the language and country. This
    +extension does not apply to all messages that can occur when running
    +JDBC applications.
    +For details, see <<localizing-error-messages-and-status-messages, 
Localizing Error Messages and Status Messages>>.
    +=== Additional DatabaseMetaData APIs
    +APIs added to the `HPT4DatabaseMetaData` class provide these capabilities:
    +* Get a description of a table's synonyms.
    +[source, java]
    +public java.sql.ResultSet getSynonymInfo(String catalog, String schema, 
String table) throws SQLException
    +* Get a description of a table's materialized views.
    +[source, java]
    +public java.sql.ResultSet getMaterializedViewInfo(String catalog, String 
schema, String table) throws SQLException
    +=== Additional Connection APIs
    +APIs added to the `HPT4Connection` class provide these capabilities:
    +* Sets the current service name for this Connection object.
    +[source, java]
    +public void setServiceName(String serviceName) throws SQLException
    +* Gets (retrieves) the current service name of this Connection object. 
Default return value: HP_DEFAULT_SERVICE.
    +[source, java]
    +public String getServiceName() throws SQLException
    +== Conformance of DatabaseMetaData Methods' Handling of Null Parameters
    +This topic describes how the Type 4 driver determines the value of null
    +parameters passed as a parameter value on DatabaseMetaData methods.
    +Since other vendors might implement the JDBC specification differently,
    +this information explains the Type 4 driver results on the affected
    +This implementation applies to methods that take parameters that can
    +represent a pattern. The names of these parameters have the format:
    +The many methods of the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData class are affected;
    +for example, the `getColumns()` method.
    +For another example, schema is the attribute in the parameter
    +`schemaPattern`, which is a parameter to the 
`java.sql.ResultSet.getAttributes` method.
    +[source, java]
    +public ResultSet getAttributes( String catalog
    +                              , String schemaPattern
    +                         , String typeNamePattern
    +                         , String attributeNamePattern
    +                         ) throws SQLException
    +If the application passes a null value, the null is treated as follows:
    +* If a parameter name contains the suffix Pattern, the null is interpreted 
as a `%` wild card.
    +* If the parameter name does not contain the suffix `Pattern`, nulls are 
interpreted as the default value for that parameter.
    +Using this example, null parameters are interpreted as follows:
    +| `catalog`       | The default catalog name.
    +| `schemaPattern` | A `%` wild card retrieves data for all schemas of the 
specified catalog
    +== Type 4 Driver Conformance to SQL Data Types
    +=== JDBC Data Types
    +The following table shows the JDBC data types that are supported by Type
    +4 driver and their corresponding {project-name} SQL data types:
    +[cols="30%,40%,30%", options="header"]
    +| JDBC Data Type        | Support by JDBC Driver for {project-name} SQL    
                                               | {project-name} SQL Data Type
    +| `Types.Array`         | No                                               
                                              | Not applicable.
    +| `Types.BIGINT`        | Yes                                              
                                              | `LARGEINT`
    +| `Types.BINARY`        | Data type is mapped by {project-name} SQL. Data 
type varies from that used for table creation. | `CHAR(n)`^1^
    +| `Types.BIT`           | Data type is mapped by {project-name} SQL. Data 
type varies from that used for table creation. | `CHAR(1)`
    +| `Types.BLOB`          | Yes                                              
                                              | `LARGEINT`
    +| `Types.CHAR`          | Yes                                              
                                              | `CHAR(n)`
    +| `Types.CLOB`          | Yes                                              
                                              | `LARGEINT`
    +| `Types.DATE`          | Yes                                              
                                              | `DATE`
    +| `Types.DECIMAL`       | Yes                                              
                                              | `DECIMAL(p,s)`
    +| `Types.DISTINCT`      | No                                               
                                              | Not applicable.
    +| `Types.DOUBLE`        | Yes                                              
                                              | `DOUBLE PRECISION`
    +| `Types.FLOAT`         | Yes                                              
                                              | `FLOAT(p)`
    +| `Types.INTEGER`       | Yes                                              
                                              | `INTEGER`
    +| `Types.JAVA_OBJECT`   | No                                               
                                              | Not applicable.
    +| `Types.LONGVARBINARY` | Data type is mapped by {project-name} SQL. Data 
type varies from that used for table creation. | `VARCHAR(n)`^1^
    +| `Types.LONGVARCHAR`   | Yes. Maximum length is 4018.                     
                                              | `VARCHAR[(n)]`
    +| `Types.NULL`          | No                                               
                                              | Not applicable.
    +| `Types.NUMERIC`       | Yes                                              
                                              | `NUMERIC(p,s)`
    +| `Types.REAL`          | Yes                                              
                                              | `FLOAT(p)`
    +| `Types.REF`           | No                                               
                                              | Not applicable.
    +| `Types.SMALLINT`      | Yes                                              
                                              | `SMALLINT`
    +| `Types.STRUCT`        | No                                               
                                              | Not applicable.
    +| `Types.TIME`          | Yes                                              
                                              | `TIME`
    +| `Types.TIMESTAMP`     | Yes                                              
                                              | `TIMESTAMP`
    +| `Types.TINYINT`       | Data type is mapped by {project-name} SQL. Data 
type varies from that used for table creation. | `SMALLINT`
    +| `Types.VARBINARY`     | Data type is mapped by {project-name} SQL. Data 
type varies from that used for table creation. | `VARCHAR(n)`^1^
    +| `Types.VARCHAR`       | Yes                                              
                                              | `VARCHAR(n)`
    +| `Types.BOOLEAN`       | Data type is mapped by {project-name} SQL. Data 
type varies from that used for table creation. | `CHAR(1)`
    +| `Types.DATALINK`      | No                                               
                                              | Not applicable.
    +^1^ Because of mapping provided by {project-name}, a 
`ResultSet.getObject()` method returns a string object instead of an array of 
    +The Type 4 driver maps the following data types to the JDBC data type 
    +== Floating-Point Support
    +The Type 4 driver supports only IEEE floating-point data to be passed 
between the application client and the Type 4 driver.
    +== SQLJ Support
    +The Type 4 driver supports non-customized SQLJ applications, but does not 
support customized SQLJ applications.
    +== JDBC 3.0 Features Not Supported by the Type 4 Driver
    +These features are not required for JDBC 3.0 compliance, and they are not 
supported by the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 driver.
    +* Multiple result sets returned by batch statements.
    +* Database savepoint support. (Not provided in {project-name} SQL )
    +* Retrieval of auto generated keys.
    +* Transform group and type mapping.
    +* Relationship between connector architecture and JDBC 3.0 SPI.
    +* Secured socket communication or encryption for the interaction between 
the Type 4 driver and DCS.
    +* Security context (user name and password) implicit propagation from 
AppServer to the Type 4 driver.
    +* IPV6 protocol stack. (IPV6 addressing is emulated over IPV4 on the 
{project-name} platform - server side)
    +* Distributed transactions.
    +== Restrictions
    +* The Type 4 driver supports only database features that are supported by 
{project-name} SQL and SPJ.
    +Therefore, the Type 4 driver is not fully compliant with JDBC 3.0 
    +* The Type 4 driver depends on the HP connectivity service for all server 
side manageability related features.
    --- End diff --

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