Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

Dos mensas de MENSA hablando...

Mensa Número Uno:
>So I'm sitting there reading the mail in my beautiful black velvet dress,
>and my boob boyfriend has  -- surprise -- sprinkled scented talc in his
>letter, which then gets all over me.  Oh, that's a nice romantic gesture,
>for sure.   What society is this -- the former technologically advanced
>Tierra del Fuegans?  Because I, personally, think it would be the end of
>romance and thus the end of the civilization.

Mensa Número Dos:
LOL.  Well, that's because you're reading in a black velved dress. ;-)
Some of my Filipino and Indonesian and Turkish students do this.
Some of my Mexican students spray perfume on their notes.  They
don't do this when writing to me, of course, but when writing to their
SOs "back home."  I know about it because of discussions we've
had in courses on behaviour where we discuss courtship rituals.

Borro los nobres para proteger a las "empolvadas"   Ji! ji! ji!


P.S. Cuéntenme, a ver, acerca de sus anecdóticas experiencias (con gente que
les ha echado uno o más polvitos en las cartas)

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