squakez commented on code in PR #5275:
URL: https://github.com/apache/camel-k/pull/5275#discussion_r1537232845

@@ -348,6 +348,155 @@ func TestKnativePlatformHttpDependencies(t *testing.T) {
+func TestKnativeEnabled(t *testing.T) {
+       catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       traitCatalog := NewCatalog(nil)
+       environment := Environment{
+               CamelCatalog: catalog,
+               Catalog:      traitCatalog,
+               Integration: &v1.Integration{
+                       ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+                               Name:      "test",
+                               Namespace: "ns",
+                       },
+                       Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
+                               Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
+                       },
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                               Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
+                                       {
+                                               DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
+                                                       Name:    "route.groovy",
+                                                       Content: 
+                                               },
+                                               Language: v1.LanguageGroovy,
+                                       },
+                               },
+                       },
+               },
+               Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
+                               Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
+                               Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
+                                       PublishStrategy: 
+                                       Registry:        
v1.RegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
+                               },
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                       },
+               },
+               EnvVars:        make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
+               ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
+               Resources:      k8sutils.NewCollection(),
+       }
+       environment.Platform.ResyncStatusFullConfig()
+       // configure the init trait
+       init := NewInitTrait()
+       ok, condition, err := init.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the init trait
+       require.NoError(t, init.Apply(&environment))
+       // configure the knative trait
+       knTrait, _ := newKnativeTrait().(*knativeTrait)
+       ok, condition, err = knTrait.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the knative trait
+       require.NoError(t, knTrait.Apply(&environment))
+       // call the post step processors
+       for _, processor := range environment.PostStepProcessors {
+               assert.Nil(t, processor(&environment))
+       }
+       assert.True(t, *knTrait.Enabled)
+       assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Capabilities, 
+       assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Dependencies, 
+func TestKnativeNotEnabled(t *testing.T) {
+       catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       traitCatalog := NewCatalog(nil)
+       environment := Environment{
+               CamelCatalog: catalog,
+               Catalog:      traitCatalog,
+               Integration: &v1.Integration{
+                       ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+                               Name:      "test",
+                               Namespace: "ns",
+                       },
+                       Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
+                               Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
+                       },
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                               Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
+                                       {
+                                               DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
+                                                       Name:    "route.groovy",
+                                                       Content: 
+                                               },
+                                               Language: v1.LanguageGroovy,
+                                       },
+                               },
+                       },
+               },
+               Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
+                               Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
+                               Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
+                                       PublishStrategy: 
+                                       Registry:        
v1.RegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
+                               },
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                       },
+               },
+               EnvVars:        make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
+               ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
+               Resources:      k8sutils.NewCollection(),
+       }
+       environment.Platform.ResyncStatusFullConfig()
+       // configure the init trait
+       init := NewInitTrait()
+       ok, condition, err := init.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the init trait
+       require.NoError(t, init.Apply(&environment))
+       // configure the knative trait
+       knTrait, _ := newKnativeTrait().(*knativeTrait)
+       ok, condition, err = knTrait.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.False(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // call the post step processors
+       for _, processor := range environment.PostStepProcessors {
+               assert.Nil(t, processor(&environment))
+       }
+       assert.NotContains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Capabilities, 
+       assert.NotContains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Dependencies, 

Review Comment:

@@ -348,6 +348,155 @@ func TestKnativePlatformHttpDependencies(t *testing.T) {
+func TestKnativeEnabled(t *testing.T) {
+       catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       traitCatalog := NewCatalog(nil)
+       environment := Environment{
+               CamelCatalog: catalog,
+               Catalog:      traitCatalog,
+               Integration: &v1.Integration{
+                       ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+                               Name:      "test",
+                               Namespace: "ns",
+                       },
+                       Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
+                               Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
+                       },
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                               Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
+                                       {
+                                               DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
+                                                       Name:    "route.groovy",
+                                                       Content: 
+                                               },
+                                               Language: v1.LanguageGroovy,
+                                       },
+                               },
+                       },
+               },
+               Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
+                               Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
+                               Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
+                                       PublishStrategy: 
+                                       Registry:        
v1.RegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
+                               },
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                       },
+               },
+               EnvVars:        make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
+               ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
+               Resources:      k8sutils.NewCollection(),
+       }
+       environment.Platform.ResyncStatusFullConfig()
+       // configure the init trait
+       init := NewInitTrait()
+       ok, condition, err := init.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the init trait
+       require.NoError(t, init.Apply(&environment))
+       // configure the knative trait
+       knTrait, _ := newKnativeTrait().(*knativeTrait)
+       ok, condition, err = knTrait.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the knative trait
+       require.NoError(t, knTrait.Apply(&environment))
+       // call the post step processors

Review Comment:
   Probably we don't need this in the unit test.

@@ -70,7 +71,8 @@ func (t *knativeTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, 
*TraitCondition, error)
        if e.Integration == nil {
                return false, nil, nil
-       if !pointer.BoolDeref(t.Enabled, true) {

Review Comment:
   But I think that's exactly what `!pointer.BoolDeref(t.Enabled, true)` does. 
If the uses does not set explicitly to `false`, then it is always  `true`.

@@ -348,6 +348,155 @@ func TestKnativePlatformHttpDependencies(t *testing.T) {
+func TestKnativeEnabled(t *testing.T) {
+       catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       traitCatalog := NewCatalog(nil)
+       environment := Environment{
+               CamelCatalog: catalog,
+               Catalog:      traitCatalog,
+               Integration: &v1.Integration{
+                       ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+                               Name:      "test",
+                               Namespace: "ns",
+                       },
+                       Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
+                               Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
+                       },
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                               Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
+                                       {
+                                               DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
+                                                       Name:    "route.groovy",
+                                                       Content: 
+                                               },
+                                               Language: v1.LanguageGroovy,
+                                       },
+                               },
+                       },
+               },
+               Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
+                               Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
+                               Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
+                                       PublishStrategy: 
+                                       Registry:        
v1.RegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
+                               },
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                       },
+               },
+               EnvVars:        make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
+               ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
+               Resources:      k8sutils.NewCollection(),
+       }
+       environment.Platform.ResyncStatusFullConfig()
+       // configure the init trait
+       init := NewInitTrait()
+       ok, condition, err := init.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the init trait
+       require.NoError(t, init.Apply(&environment))
+       // configure the knative trait
+       knTrait, _ := newKnativeTrait().(*knativeTrait)
+       ok, condition, err = knTrait.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the knative trait
+       require.NoError(t, knTrait.Apply(&environment))
+       // call the post step processors
+       for _, processor := range environment.PostStepProcessors {
+               assert.Nil(t, processor(&environment))
+       }
+       assert.True(t, *knTrait.Enabled)
+       assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Capabilities, 
+       assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Dependencies, 

Review Comment:
   I'd remove this as it not necessarily true. This dependency has to be driven 
by the catalog and may be subjected to chages. The check on the presence of 
Capability should be enough.

@@ -348,6 +348,155 @@ func TestKnativePlatformHttpDependencies(t *testing.T) {
+func TestKnativeEnabled(t *testing.T) {
+       catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       traitCatalog := NewCatalog(nil)
+       environment := Environment{
+               CamelCatalog: catalog,
+               Catalog:      traitCatalog,
+               Integration: &v1.Integration{
+                       ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+                               Name:      "test",
+                               Namespace: "ns",
+                       },
+                       Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
+                               Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
+                       },
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                               Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
+                                       {
+                                               DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
+                                                       Name:    "route.groovy",
+                                                       Content: 
+                                               },
+                                               Language: v1.LanguageGroovy,
+                                       },
+                               },
+                       },
+               },
+               Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
+                               Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
+                               Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
+                                       PublishStrategy: 
+                                       Registry:        
v1.RegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
+                               },
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                       },
+               },
+               EnvVars:        make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
+               ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
+               Resources:      k8sutils.NewCollection(),
+       }
+       environment.Platform.ResyncStatusFullConfig()
+       // configure the init trait
+       init := NewInitTrait()
+       ok, condition, err := init.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the init trait
+       require.NoError(t, init.Apply(&environment))
+       // configure the knative trait
+       knTrait, _ := newKnativeTrait().(*knativeTrait)
+       ok, condition, err = knTrait.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the knative trait
+       require.NoError(t, knTrait.Apply(&environment))
+       // call the post step processors
+       for _, processor := range environment.PostStepProcessors {
+               assert.Nil(t, processor(&environment))
+       }
+       assert.True(t, *knTrait.Enabled)
+       assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Capabilities, 
+       assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Dependencies, 
+func TestKnativeNotEnabled(t *testing.T) {
+       catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       traitCatalog := NewCatalog(nil)
+       environment := Environment{
+               CamelCatalog: catalog,
+               Catalog:      traitCatalog,
+               Integration: &v1.Integration{
+                       ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+                               Name:      "test",
+                               Namespace: "ns",
+                       },
+                       Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
+                               Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
+                       },
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                               Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
+                                       {
+                                               DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
+                                                       Name:    "route.groovy",
+                                                       Content: 
+                                               },
+                                               Language: v1.LanguageGroovy,
+                                       },
+                               },
+                       },
+               },
+               Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
+                       Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
+                               Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
+                               Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
+                                       PublishStrategy: 
+                                       Registry:        
v1.RegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
+                               },
+                               Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
+                       },
+               },
+               EnvVars:        make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
+               ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
+               Resources:      k8sutils.NewCollection(),
+       }
+       environment.Platform.ResyncStatusFullConfig()
+       // configure the init trait
+       init := NewInitTrait()
+       ok, condition, err := init.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.True(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // apply the init trait
+       require.NoError(t, init.Apply(&environment))
+       // configure the knative trait
+       knTrait, _ := newKnativeTrait().(*knativeTrait)
+       ok, condition, err = knTrait.Configure(&environment)
+       require.NoError(t, err)
+       assert.False(t, ok)
+       assert.Nil(t, condition)
+       // call the post step processors

Review Comment:
   Probably we don't need this in the unit test.

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