Merge pull request #731 from remibergsma/centos7-kvm

CLOUDSTACK-8443: Support CentOS 7 as KVM hypervisorThis adds support for CentOS 
7 as a KVM hypervisor. As discussed in the Jira issue, the root cause of the 
issue was the `cloudstack-setup-agent` script that added this line to 


On CentOS 6 this 'works', but since by default no cgroups are mounted, this 
setting is ignored by `libvirtd`. On CentOS 7 is does not work, because the 
`cpu` and `cpuacct` are 'co-mounted'. This simpy means you cannot use one 
without the order. The config line above instructs `libvirtd` to only use the 
`cpu` cgroup, which it can't.

There was code added to make sure the `cpu` cgroup was not co-mounted. It did 
this with a shell script, but after a reboot it was gone. It wasn't reliable 
and not even a solution at all. I went ahead and removed the code, because the 
co-mounted cgroups work fine. The real issue was the config line we put in 
`/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf` so much better to fix that instead.

The default for `libvirtd` is to use only cgroups that are mounted. When you 
remove the 'cgroup_controllers' line, the default kicks in. According to the 
`qemu.conf` file, the default is:

`cgroup_controllers = ["cpu", "devices", "memory", "blkio", "cpuacct", 

Then again, if it's not mounted, it's not used. So, that's a nice way to 
control it.
This works just fine for both RHEL/CentOS 6 and RHEL/CentOS 7.

Along the debugging, I came across some small issues here and there which I 
also fixed in this PR.

If you test this, be sure to build RPMs from this branch and install those on 
the KVM hypervisor.

At Schuberg Philis we run KVM hypervisors on CentOS 7 for months with these 
fixes. Now I took the time to fix the issues in CloudStack, rather than work 
around them.

@bhaisaab @karuturi could you please review this? Thanks!

Please note:
The next step is to fix CLOUDSTACK-8625 (Systemd profile for KVM Agent) as 
currently a sysvinit script is still used. Although it works, we do not have 
any systemd benefits. As it is a separate issue, I'll try to address it in a 
separate PR.

* pr/731:
  CLOUDSTACK-8443: detect CentOS 7.x as RHEL 7 alike
  CLOUDSTACK-8443: mention the correct logfile
  CLOUDSTACK-8443: display the right hypervisor type
  CLOUDSTACK-8443: don't try to fix co-mounted cgroups

Signed-off-by: Remi Bergsma <>


Branch: refs/heads/deploy-from-snapshot
Commit: c0fde9a12bf32d0d4009792d05b1648f7c6ea419
Parents: a527d27 0a320c1
Author: Remi Bergsma <>
Authored: Tue Aug 25 10:32:27 2015 +0200
Committer: Remi Bergsma <>
Committed: Tue Aug 25 10:32:27 2015 +0200

 agent/bindir/               |  2 +-
 .../kvm/resource/  | 23 ---------
 python/lib/                       | 19 -------
 python/lib/cloudutils/          |  7 ++-
 python/lib/cloudutils/              |  2 +-
 scripts/vm/hypervisor/kvm/      | 52 --------------------
 6 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

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