jerryshao commented on code in PR #5117:

@@ -8,52 +8,65 @@ last_update:
 license: 'This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.'
-This document primarily outlines how users can manage metadata within Apache 
Gravitino using the Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI is accessible via a 
terminal window as an alternative to writing code or using the REST interface.
+This document provides guidance on managing metadata within Apache Gravitino 
using the Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI offers a terminal based 
alternative to using code or the REST interface for metadata management.
-Currently, you can view basic metadata information for metalakes, catalogs, 
schema, and tables. The ability to create, update, and delete metalakes and 
support additional entities in planned in the near future.
+Currently, the CLI allows users to view metadata information for metalakes, 
catalogs, schemas, and tables. Future updates will expand on these capabilities 
to include roles, users, and tags.
 ## Running the CLI
-You can set up an alias for the command like so:
+You can configure an alias for the CLI for ease of use, with the following 
 alias gcli='java -jar 
-Or use the `` script found in the `clients/cli/bin/` directory to run 
the CLI.
+Or you use the `` script found in the `clients/cli/bin/` directory to 
run the CLI.
 ## Usage
- To run the Gravitino CLI, use the following command structure:
+The general structure for running commands with the Gravitino CLI is `gcli 
entity command [options]`.
- usage: gcli [metalake|catalog|schema|table] 
[list|details|create|delete|update] [options]
+ usage: gcli [metalake|catalog|schema|table|column] 
[list|details|create|delete|update|set|remove|properties] [options]
- -f,--name <arg>       full entity name (dot separated)
- -h,--help             command help information
- -i,--ignore           Ignore client/sever version check
- -m,--metalake <arg>   Metalake name
- -r,--server           Gravitino server version
- -u,--url <arg>        Gravitino URL (default: http://localhost:8090)
- -v,--version          Gravitino client version
+ -b,--bootstrap <arg>   Kafka bootstrap servers
+ -c,--comment <arg>     entity comment
+ -d,--database <arg>    database name
+ -h,--help              command help information
+ -i,--ignore            Ignore client/sever version check
+ -j,--jdbcurl <arg>     JDBC URL
+ -l,--user <arg>        database username
+ -m,--metastore <arg>   Hive metastore URI
+ -n,--name <arg>        full entity name (dot separated)
+ -p,--provider <arg>    provider one of hadoop, hive, mysql, postgres,
+                        iceberg, kafka
+ -r,--rename <arg>      new entity name
+ -u,--url <arg>         Gravitino URL (default: http://localhost:8090)
+ -v,--value <arg>       property value
+ -w,--warehouse <arg>   warehouse name
+ -z,--password <arg>    database password

Review Comment:
   In Gravitino Catalog REST spec, we use properties to properties to define 
specific parameters for each catalog, you can follow REST spec as a reference 
to define your command line arguments.

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