danny0405 commented on code in PR #12288:
URL: https://github.com/apache/hudi/pull/12288#discussion_r1851208388

@@ -944,13 +944,15 @@ public void startCommitWithTime(String instantTime, 
String actionType) {
    * Starts a new commit time for a write operation (insert/update/delete) 
with specified action.
   private void startCommitWithTime(String instantTime, String actionType, 
HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient) {
+    HoodieTableMetaClient updatedMetaClient = metaClient;
     if (needsUpgradeOrDowngrade(metaClient)) {
       // unclear what instant to use, since upgrade does have a given instant.
       executeUsingTxnManager(Option.empty(), () -> tryUpgrade(metaClient, 
+      updatedMetaClient = createMetaClient(true);

Review Comment:
   Can we just refresh the `timelineLayoutVersion` and `timelineLayout` from 
the table config right after the table config are reloaded, so the refresh 
sequence become:
   1. refresh table config
   2. refresh timeline layout
   3. refresh timeline
   Or we just remove the reload in `tryUpgrade` which is much simpler, and we 
need to take care all the calls of `tryUpgrade`.

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