porcelli commented on code in PR #6153:

@@ -5,27 +5,5 @@ This product includes software developed at
 The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
 The Initial Developer of some parts of the framework, which are copied from, 
derived from, or
-inspired by KIE (Knowledge Is Everthing) group, is Red Hat, Inc 
+inspired by KIE (Knowledge Is Everything) group, is Red Hat, Inc 
 Copyright Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates.. All Rights Reserved.

Review Comment:
   k, but as this would be a big enough change for the immediate 10.0.0 
release... I'd assume this wouldn't be a blocker... 
   In the meantime.. I'm just wondering if the NOTICE file wouldn't be more 
appropriated to host the copyright? As this seems to be a good example to 
relocated copyright.

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