Cédric Krier pushed to branch branch/default at Tryton / Tryton
Commits: c0062500 by Cédric Krier at 2024-01-13T18:53:13+01:00 Use only debit and credit sign to compute payment kind of move line Closes #12932 - - - - - 1 changed file: - modules/account_payment/account.py View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/tryton/tryton/-/commit/c0062500da161ce491c64dcc10201c063d3a16e2 -- View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/tryton/tryton/-/commit/c0062500da161ce491c64dcc10201c063d3a16e2 You're receiving this email because of your account on foss.heptapod.net.