My opinions on the groups of line numbers from that pastebin:

1-3: Definitely not - no reason for ) on its own line
5-8: no, "throws" should be indented
10-13: I think this is acceptable
15-19: also acceptable IMO
22-24: acceptable - lines wrapped due to column limit should indent their
26-29: bad
31-36: seems the same as 16-19, so OK
39-47: bad - bizarre
50-53: bad - seems like a mistaken space
56-59: same as 1-3, seems bizarre
62-66: also bizarre like 50-53

So, IMO, the goal should be the examples on 10-24 or 31-36.

If others agree, perhaps we should put some of these examples on the wiki?


On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Cosmin Lehene <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying to make a patch and looking over the Hadoop guidelines for
> code at, trying to
> follow the conventions.
> Looking through code I found a few "patterns", however, these differ even
> in the same class sometimes. Here's a collection of method declaration
> styles I gathered from 2 or 3 files:
> I have to admit Sun's code conventions are a bit unclear too, so maybe a
> list of settings for the IDE like tab size, indent, continuation indent,
> exceptions to the rule, etc. would help.
> Cosmin

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